hi guys quick question, can i cure in plastic jars


good question, i'm not sure... also not sure how airtight the seal would be??? i'm using glass jars, with a rubber sealer on them.


Active Member
Yup. Alot of people use large Rubbermaid totes when they have a large amount to cure. Sealing it to be as air tight as possible is needed. I keep all my empty spaghetti sauce jars (Classico) for curing needs now though. The seals on them are great.


Well-Known Member

BUT!! Like Grumpy, we also use plastic jars that seal well/airtight. My wife cans also, so have a good selection of wide mouth mason jars.

Use whatcha got and snag some mason jars when you can.



Well-Known Member
Yes. But plastic holds smells. So if it's not new the smell of what was in it can mess with the real smell of the bud