Hi guys, newbie here with some questions


So, I am at day 6 today. Plant 1 is growing really tall but only 2 leaves and plant 2 is growing a little slower but it has all 4 leaves but two leaves are different textures and shape from the other two. I found these two seeds from the bag of weed i got from my guy. I am currently using a 1000watt LED growlight and a schultz potting soil plus from walmart. My question is, is it normal that plant 1 is growing fast and currently only have two leaves? Does that indicate that it might be a male plant because it is growing faster? Thankyou guysIMG_3533.jpg IMG_3531.jpg IMG_3532.jpg
Sorry, I hadda chuckle when I read "so I'm at day 6".

So .... they are nothing more than a stem and a cotyledon right now.
It's a long process. Even longer when it's your first time.
You can't tell anything about them yet.
You'll probably grow fine with that LED.
I don't know anything about Schultz potting soil.
But you'll likely need to add nutes later unless it's time release, in which case I'd put them in better soil when they have some legs.
Sorry, I hadda chuckle when I read "so I'm at day 6".

So .... they are nothing more than a stem and a cotyledon right now.
It's a long process. Even longer when it's your first time.
You can't tell anything about them yet.
You'll probably grow fine with that LED.
I don't know anything about Schultz potting soil.
But you'll likely need to add nutes later unless it's time release, in which case I'd put them in better soil when they have some legs.
Ya, I ordered the fox farm ocean soil on amazon and somehow, i feel like the soil looks lesser and lesser, is that normal? and what kind of nutrients should I get from walmart/home depot? I am located in Canada
Do you mean the soil is compacting?
It shouldn't be watered that much yet.

Nutes ... Home Depot usually carries Black Magic.
It's not primo or anything but it's cannabis specific.
Look fine mate, use solo cups next time for seeds it's easier to control than a big pot. Otherwise doing good. Soilless will drop/compress if you didn't push it together a little on planting.