Hi guys I need LOTS of help here..(hydro/soil) yellow leaves,mites, mold all the shit


Well-Known Member
You've got three choices. Keep all the plants and keep fighting a losing battle, take some advice and thin the heard you can't handle to save what you can, or shit can it all and walk away.

So, it's sink, swim, or get out of the pool. To be more blunt.

Also, on a side note. Don't pay $500 for plants you're going to kill. I hope you got 50 of them for that much.. cause that's steep. Why didn't you take clones of the $500 plants? That was a golden opportunity.

You haven't said anything about your nutes. If you want help you're going to have to give these guys more info. It's apparent that something is not 100%.

AND let's put this to rest too.. PM doesn't live on the soil or rockwool. IF you have mold on your rockwool you might be in an environment that is more likely to get PM but it doesn't start there.
You've got three choices. Keep all the plants and keep fighting a losing battle, take some advice and thin the heard you can't handle to save what you can, or shit can it all and walk away.

So, it's sink, swim, or get out of the pool. To be more blunt.

Also, on a side note. Don't pay $500 for plants you're going to kill. I hope you got 50 of them for that much.. cause that's steep. Why didn't you take clones of the $500 plants? That was a golden opportunity.

You haven't said anything about your nutes. If you want help you're going to have to give these guys more info. It's apparent that something is not 100%.

AND let's put this to rest too.. PM doesn't live on the soil or rockwool. IF you have mold on your rockwool you might be in an environment that is more likely to get PM but it doesn't start there.

Ok, thanks for the thought.

I don't know why rollitup isn't notifying me of replies to my thread...I figured everyone had stopped since no one had any suitable advice besides 'get rid of everything you're a n00b there's no hope' etc.

Like I said, I am taking over this whole operation. To be honest, my BF has no fucking clue what he is doing....which is why I am taking over (reading books, this forum etc.)

i was told by other friends to just throw them all in soil (which was my best option and is what I did.) I do have a mother of the clones (the supposed GCS)

All the budding plants are turning yellow and they have spider mites baddddddd.....soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad it's disgusting. I read everyday and know there's hope for these plants (azasol/max pestout rapid bug etc.) I spray every 3 days, I am not trying to be stubborn and it sucks what's happening here. Woe is me :)
You've got three choices. Keep all the plants and keep fighting a losing battle, take some advice and thin the heard you can't handle to save what you can, or shit can it all and walk away.

So, it's sink, swim, or get out of the pool. To be more blunt.

Also, on a side note. Don't pay $500 for plants you're going to kill. I hope you got 50 of them for that much.. cause that's steep. Why didn't you take clones of the $500 plants? That was a golden opportunity.

You haven't said anything about your nutes. If you want help you're going to have to give these guys more info. It's apparent that something is not 100%.

AND let's put this to rest too.. PM doesn't live on the soil or rockwool. IF you have mold on your rockwool you might be in an environment that is more likely to get PM but it doesn't start there.

i don;t know what nutes because my BF mixes them..my guess is it's too much cal/mag. Like I said, I want to read first before I take over the nutes part. (I am in the 'watering' section of Ed Rosenthal's book..nutes is next oh boy!)
You've got three choices. Keep all the plants and keep fighting a losing battle, take some advice and thin the heard you can't handle to save what you can, or shit can it all and walk away.

So, it's sink, swim, or get out of the pool. To be more blunt.

Also, on a side note. Don't pay $500 for plants you're going to kill. I hope you got 50 of them for that much.. cause that's steep. Why didn't you take clones of the $500 plants? That was a golden opportunity.

You haven't said anything about your nutes. If you want help you're going to have to give these guys more info. It's apparent that something is not 100%.

AND let's put this to rest too.. PM doesn't live on the soil or rockwool. IF you have mold on your rockwool you might be in an environment that is more likely to get PM but it doesn't start there.

I definitely intend on swimming my nigga ;)

I just transplanted them into soil...waiting for everything to clear out of the flowering room..I can't wait to start over...trust me.


Well-Known Member
Look at Jorge Cervantes videos on youtube. Good info and easy learning. Kill every freakin mite and if you take over do your nutes. About right or spilled extra can mess stuff up. Measure and proper pH/drainage. Control chit early and preventive spraying.


Well-Known Member
I don't think people are saying you're a noob so nothing you do will work -- I think what they're saying is you have inherited an incredibly challenging situation even for a very experienced grower.

Since you don't have a lot of experience, you should do the easy fixes and try to hang on to the plants that will not only make it but will produce weed you want to smoke. You do not want to try to smoke or sell moldy weed.

It sounds like you're trying to take methodical steps -- organizing, cleaning and triaging what you have. That's good. Get rid of the big problems first -- the mold and the mites. You've started that. Once that's under control, you still might have a few challenges getting these to harvest, so feel free to come back and ask more questions.


Well-Known Member
I agree with eDude u should have & if some are still in veg take some clones, Never had a mold prob so no help there but I did have mites, I'd say tackle the mites first cuz there over all of the plants & if I'm not mistaken only 1 has mold, I did the pepper trick, 4 -5 habenra peppers chopped finely including the seeds & membranes, simmer for 20 minutes in 1 pint of water, let cool, put in sprayer, wear protection like saftey glasses, something over ur mouth & gloves cuz u don't want that shit in them or on them & ur gonna have to do it a few times cuz the peppers don't kill the eggs, only problem with that is u have to get under the leaves as well as on the tops, was better for me to lay the plants on their side and spray, also spray stems, dirt ontop of & around pot as well as the area cuz mites are migrating bugs, the pepper spray won't hurt the plants or the buds, after the mites are gone spray with regular water as a rinse. Just to be sure I got rid of em I hung a "hot shot" pest strip in among the branches of my plants, lots of controversy on using the hot shot strip so it's ur call, I don't have mites now & on my next grow I'm gonna use a product from sierra natural science called SNS 209 you mix it with the watering cycle it stays in the plant itself and acts as a natural deterentfor most bugs from staying on ur plants. If you think they've been overnuted, flush with twice the amount of water (ie if planted in a 5 gallon bucket use 10 gallons of water to rinse the nutes out then start from scratch. I'm kinda wondering if he's ur BF why did he charge u 500 bucks for the plants especially if they were sick as u explained. Use the search engine on this website it's a great tool to have, just be specific on the threads or posts u want to read (ie upwards leaf curl or just leaf curl) lot's of threads on here that will prob answer ur questions if u take the time to use it. GL on ur venture my friend & most of all don't PANIC