Hi everyone!


Active Member
Whats going on fellow smokers, tokers, and growers? Im in NC in the states and not really liking it. Why can't I grow me my weed? Stupid restrictions. Anyway I just wanted to say hey and introduce myself. Right now i'm mostly interested in autoflowering genetics and preparing for '09 so if you got any advice feel free to shoot it my way.

Have a nice day, let's go get baked.


Well-Known Member
Whats going on fellow smokers, tokers, and growers? Im in NC in the states and not really liking it. Why can't I grow me my weed? Stupid restrictions. Anyway I just wanted to say hey and introduce myself. Right now i'm mostly interested in autoflowering genetics and preparing for '09 so if you got any advice feel free to shoot it my way.

Have a nice day, let's go get baked.
Welcome to RUI.

You can grow weed. That's what this forum is all about.

Growing cannabis is a form of civil disobedience in the tradition of Socrates, Thoreau, Ghandi, and MLK.
Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it. - Henry David Thoreau
Autoflowers are interesting, and are improving steadily as time marches on.

Good luck and good growing.