hi everyone virgin grower


Hi every one this is my first grow this season well the first year that I'm trying really hard I've tried in the past & they died real quick so I have bought books on how to grow & searchedon line & I found this site so I'm looking forward to see what people do to get the best this site has already helped alot loo forward to making some friends and growing some good shit to smoke so. Talk to yas later


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU! Plenty of good info around here for sure. Plenty of nimrods too, so be careful to research every idea that is given to you to make sure it's your best option. Make your research a full time job and you will succeed. Best of luck!


Virtually Unknown Member
Hey Ms. Welcome to the forums!! Nothing like a new virgin....wait a minute that's not right...forget I said anything. Glad to hear you're doing research on growing. Questions that show you've attempted the research get the best results. Good luck with your projects and keep us informed.

Major Malarky

Active Member
you'll be good here. people here know what they're talking about. if posting questions go with the most sensible answers. ignore piss takers. All the best.


Active Member
welcome the guys are right make reseaching a job,knowledge is power.i find myself research things i know to go even more indepth