Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?


Well-Known Member
ah man they are about to explode in growth now that you have transplanted! it amazes me how fast they grow once being transplanted. so when you plan on 12/12 ?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about 1 more week, So they will have had 4 week's vegging. Hoping in a weeks time that they should be over 12 inch ( 1 foot ) high. but i may leave them an extra few days depending on how i feel about them. I'll be posting pic's and asking advice on them when i think they are ready. Cant wait to see what happens in flower.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.

Its day 24 veg now and the girls are looking great this morning. I just measured and they have grown a lot. They are all between 10-11 inch tall and are showing root at the bottom of the new pots, so look to have taken to the new 3 gallon pots very well.




Well-Known Member
hey Dan your girls are looking sweet man... have taken new pics but haven't uploaded them yet.

i have been really struggling finding suitable jars for curing ( other than using coffee jars ) as i have 1 more feed left before i start using plain ph6 water for 2weeks.


On the offchance i popped into my local DUNELM MILL store and they have canning jars with rubber seal and metal spring clips 3.5litre 3.29gbp




Well-Known Member
Day 27 veg!

some more photos.

The girls are really taking off in the new pots now. So im defo going to put them in to flower at the weekend. Most are a foot tall now with lots of nodes, ( approx 8-12 each plant) all at the same hight. then lots of other nodes coming through too.

They have become quite bush as can be see in the photos and soon i will be moving them about to fit the space better and i may consider putting up another light in the center of the two that are already hanging and moving both tho's out.. Again i'll cross that bridge when i come to it. but for now they will stay the same untill after the weekend.

Your comments are welcomed....



Well-Known Member
beautiful f-n beautiful yeah anotheer light in the middle couldnt hurt u do have a lil shadow there


Well-Known Member
Hi Just thought i would do a quick before to now capture of the girls.

Think its from around day 5 to now. ( day27 )...



Well-Known Member
Thanx Delux. I was thinking of a 400w to go in the center of them. Do you think this will be good enough or should i go with the bigger 600w???


Well-Known Member
Alright Dan.
Looking awesome dude!!!!!!!

Check out the new pics of my page. Not very good quality pics as i had used a shitty digi cam.



Nice plants , i have white widow , white castle , super lemon haze growing . Can't wait till mine look that good.


Well-Known Member
Thanks shrig, slh23 and J.

Tomorrow after the 18/6 i put the girls into flower. 36 hours darkness..... then they will go on to 12/12.

Also think im getting another light. but that's not until mid next week. I'll do an update of the new light and everything else when i can.....


Well-Known Member
ut oh here comes the home streath only 8-13 weeks to now!! First harvest are always the best! fucking stoaked bro.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, well the day has come. Its final day of veg ( day 29 ). the girls are all over 1 foot tall ( approx 12-15 inch ) and very bushy. After they have gone through the dark period of 36 hours i will be butchering the room again so they have more room to grow and i'll be putting up the new 600w light.

Here are just a few photos of 1 of the girls, but they are all about the same size give or take 1 inch or so.



Well-Known Member
So after much delibartion i have decided on giving the girls some more veg time. and im going to transplant in to larger pots 45 liter ( 9 gallon ), this was a last minute decision but im sticking with it. I will do the updates when i can.



Well-Known Member
ut oh looks like we might be in for some MONSTERS! 9 gallons huh thanks for putting that in their for us simple americans:bigjoint: cant wait to see how big u let them get. word too the wise HID lamps lose lots of lumes past 3 feet from bulb. and it quickly goes down from there. might wanna look into some side lighing just a thought,