Ok Its Day 63 in flower. Today is supposed to be the final flush day... I filled up my 1000 liter tank yesterday and have everything to the ready for flush. The thing is i don't think its time for the final flush. The little devil in me say's " Flush these bitches i want some smoke " But the little angel in me say's " You have longer to wait yet " Now why i have the confusion is. that these strains are all 9 week flowering. And they are still producing lots of white pistols with not many changing colour ( maybe 5-10% at most ) I have checked the tritch development and they are still clear. Now through research this has shown me that these lady's are still producing and swelling up. So I think im going to give 1 maybe 2 more nutrition feed's and then think about the flush next weekend depending on how far they are coming along. Im going to post some pictures of the pistols and try get some close up pics of the tritches so you can see what i mean.
Today is week 9 in flower and if i was to give 1 more week with feed and then 1-2 more weeks flush then this takes the girls in to 12 weeks of flower. This is conserning as i thought that with a 9 week flowering strain they would be more ready than they look. Waiting is not my problem im a patient kind of guy.
When i post the pic's this afternoon i would love to know what everyone thinks to me giving more time. And you think there ready to flush then i have the option of tomorrow to do it so thats fine.
Thanks everyone. i'll be posting the updates this everning, 5-6 hours and they will be on.