Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?


Well-Known Member
also have a question for you Dan.

You measure your EC right?

I have just purchased one of these. Awaiting delivery


Should i measure the EC of the water first and then add the nutes to the desired level allowing for the water.
For eg
Water EC= 0.2
If i want my nute EC to be 1.7 should i make the solution 1.9?
Or make it go to 1.7?

Im a bit unsure whether to add the EC of the water to the EC i want to achieve?



Well-Known Member
also have a question for you Dan.

You measure your EC right?

I have just purchased one of these. Awaiting delivery


Should i measure the EC of the water first and then add the nutes to the desired level allowing for the water.
For eg
Water EC= 0.2
If i want my nute EC to be 1.7 should i make the solution 1.9?
Or make it go to 1.7?

Im a bit unsure whether to add the EC of the water to the EC i want to achieve?

Hey Pal...

This is how i do it according to the instructions.

Firstly. Your EC reader will come factory set.
2nd You can test your PH'd water straight away and it should give a reading of 0.0, If not and it say like 0.2 or higher then you need to CALIBRATE it using the correct standard solution 2.8 EC. This is Essential CF standard 2.8 and this will then give you your correct reading. Then you can add your nutes and test accordingly... This is how mine works but as yours is a different type it may be different.

After you have done like 10 readings you need to re CALIBRATE.

Glad you got one bro. Its so much easier to get the correct ammount of feed. And as you can see from my grow the plants love the perfect amount......


P.s pic below of mine that Im using....



Well-Known Member
Cheers Dan.

It probably tells me all this in the Instructions lol just trying to get as much info as i can before i get it lol.



Well-Known Member
Hey Dan

Glad you like the Door plates i made.

Just so you know that if you are giving your girls N here and there the chances of them going yellow are slim.
Other growers i have seen on here give their girls N and end up with a completely green looking plant at harvest time so dont rely on the leaves turning yellow.

Are you gonna use a flush additive when flushing the girls out????

JUst wondering because PLANT MAGIC have a new flush on the market.
This next bit is taken directly from Urban Garden Magazine Issue 17

Plant magic plus flush has been designed specifically with the UK gardener in mind. Using flush you will see that your fruiting crop matures quicker but also removes excess nutrients from the plant sap to improve floavours and aromas from your fruiting crops.

This product works in 2 ways
1.a boost of hormones is given to the plant. This allows the plant to mature easily and quickly. In turn it uses up residues of excess nutrient within the plant sap.
2.The correct balance of salts is used to aid with the removal of salt residue and nutrient build up in the root zone. This will promote sugar production to give a sweeter, smoother tasting fruit.
No PH adjustment is necessary when using this product.
Visit www.plant-magic.co.uk for more information.

Check it out if you dont plan on using a flush maybe worth a look. Im contemplating getting some too.

Lol I think of everything me J. come on you know me better than that bro...lol I have CANNA flush 1 liter....


edit: not giving any N but i am giving Cal/Mag at 1ml per liter. per feed. So 120liters = to 120ml of each. I think this is why they have stayed green and healthy..


Active Member
Yeah get your ass back here sooner ya punk.........lol ( O/J ) Im getting itchy scissor finger's. I can't wait, Not long now, and the Ladys are still packing on weight. Im not sure when there going to stop putting on weight, but im not complaining.....lol Im so unsure of how much im going to yield, but i think its going to be more than i expect... Not counting my chickens.

i'll take a look at your grow and if there is anything i could do to help with your grow problem's then holla. I love to research as ya know and i will see if i could come up with any solutions for ya....

yea dan, stop by anytime, your always welcome to my threads ;)

OH, and idk if youve stumbled on this, but this has a LOT of good info on harvesting. seeing as your close to that time i felt itd be a good thread for ya.

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
Yeah get your ass back here sooner ya punk.........lol ( O/J ) Im getting itchy scissor finger's. I can't wait, Not long now, and the Ladys are still packing on weight. Im not sure when there going to stop putting on weight, but im not complaining.....lol Im so unsure of how much im going to yield, but i think its going to be more than i expect... Not counting my chickens.

i'll take a look at your grow and if there is anything i could do to help with your grow problem's then holla. I love to research as ya know and i will see if i could come up with any solutions for ya....

itchy scissor fingers lol !!! you wait till ya gotta trim all them gals youll feel like ya fingers are gonna fall off haha itl be worth it tho
an ye they seem to keep packin on weight right till the end - i was chattin to a gal in my local pub yesterday an she askd me what kinda ladys i like ??? an i said big fat heavy hairy ones that stink of cheese (i did explain it to her later tho lol!!!)


Well-Known Member
hi dan what you gonna do with the trim? i would highly recommend making bubble hash. trust me it will make you very popular at partys!!! lol. (or maybe not because everyone will be too stoned to speak!)


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. Hope your all well.

Its that time again.... Pooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!:weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:

Day 59 in flower.....:weed:

Quick update. Man these ladys are packing on the weight. seriously, they are bending the fucking stems. Im going to use bamboo at the weekend to hold the stems so they don't break under the weight of the colas. I have just given them there last nutrition feed. ( yeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaawwww ). And im going to flush them this sunday. they will then get 10 - 14 days before harvest<<< CANT FECKING WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:

So the countdown has begun... Tick followed tock followed tick.......:mrgreen:

+ rep button in bottom left corner.......lol <<< joking....




Well-Known Member
i dont get jealous very often but, .............damn. looking great dan. i cant wait to see the harvest!


Well-Known Member
booo hooo,my lifes so hard, i have so much weed i need bamboo to hold up my super massive buds:(:(:( hey dan FUCK YOU ya JERK!!! :)LOL:) is it wierd i want2 eat ur bud, not like cookin it, but like fruit, just big bites. much weight u reckon, im gony say 45oz


Well-Known Member
Hey ( Jimmycent ) Lol Brilliant post Jimmycent + rep....... Not sure what im going to yield but Im going to say more than 45 ounce........

Don't you touch my ladys bud's jimmy there alllllllllll mine.........lol

Hey ( steve1978 ) Me too bro. Cant fucking waight..... And i have my bubblebags at the ready bro. Could send you all some cookies when im done....... But then again I might be too baked to remember.....lol

Hey ( UltimateBuds ) Funny as shit. Im going to use that one mate.... + rep

Hey ( hardcorps420 ) Cool thread man I just flicked through it, But i will read it in full when i get chance. prob after this post....

Thanks everyone. Your comments are more than welcome..

And if anyone want's to start guessing the weight, then just fire away. Closest to the final weight gets a treat.....



Well-Known Member
A little under dont ya think;-)
I aint sayin shit about those pics ya know what i think:roll:
NICE ppp im glad they look that good im growin ppp in a couple of months. mine will prob be shriveled:shock:


Well-Known Member
hey Dan

Lets see a pic of some of the colas next to a lighter and i will try and guess your dry weight.

I know they are huge colas but a little unsure as to how big they are now.

I am thinking 24 plants multiplied by roughly 3-4 ounces per plant probably somewhere in the region of around 80-85 ounces but get a good pic up next to a lighter and put in a proper estimate.

Loving your work bro.

I cant wait til my EC meter gets here.



Well-Known Member
hey Dan

Lets see a pic of some of the colas next to a lighter and i will try and guess your dry weight.

I know they are huge colas but a little unsure as to how big they are now.

I am thinking 24 plants multiplied by roughly 3-4 ounces per plant probably somewhere in the region of around 80-85 ounces but get a good pic up next to a lighter and put in a proper estimate.

Loving your work bro.

I cant wait til my EC meter gets here.

yeah good idea. I'll use a can and a lighter tomorrow and take some more pics. Thing is i cant get to the back where the largest is so ill snap a few of the closer ones and then let the guessing game commence.... remember your only getting 1 guess everyone.... lol So when i post some pics then you may make your first guess.... Includes anyone who has made a guess already....

And thanks J.....

The EC readers are awesome for getting it right the first time every time. A must i think...



Well-Known Member
81.6 OZ see you at the finish line looking drooltastic dan


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.

Its day 60 in flower today and as promised J here are are the pictures with a lighter and a 440ml can next to some of the colas. I couldn't reach to some of the colas at the back, but there all around and about the same size. ( 12-16" colas ) one or 2 that are larger.

I couldn't get to the Jolly green giant in the back of the room but when i Flush this weekend i will take some of just her.....mmmmmmmm she's so sexy.......

They are still packing on weight and when i squeezed some of the colas there is not much movement between my fingers. ( propper compact ).... Remember they have 2 weeks maybe 3 to put weight on.

So enjoy and let the game commence.


p.s see ya at the finish line Delux lad!!!!!!

