This is an awesome grow man, ive done a few small ones, I am setting up a real grow soon and I hope it will be do as good as yours. Looking at your room and the amount of ventilation, were you planning to add lights the whole time or were you hoping to grow with just the 600s? also what is your nute schedule/ dosage like?
I would use his word as a guide but with as much invested as your grow is you ought to buy a microscope, or even just some strong magnifying glasses, 40 to 60x should work.
you look at the individual trichromes towards the light and they will be clear for a few weeks, then slowly get cloudy, then they will turn milky white, then eventually a dark amber. if you harvest while they are clear you will get a super sativa high, you will feel like getting up and doing shit, if you wait until they are amber you will have an indica buzz, you get paralyzed stoned, great for medications and, they grow just a little bigger.
once again man, nice nice work, this is an AWESOME first grow!
Hi bro thank's man...
Well i thought i would be able to just grow them under the origional 2 x 600w Hps but as thing have progressed i added 1 more 600w hps and i have currentyly added 4 x 125wCFL to cover some of the shadowing.
Im at full strength feed every feed as im growing in COCO. It uses alot of nute's and its a bit costly... I think i have spent well over £500 on nutes alone..
With COCO you can feed nutrition at every feed and you have to create runoff at each feed too. This help's like a flush.
Ok so i gave a feed yesterday of 5 liters a pot.. A run through of the nutes below. I wait like 3-5 days untill the medium has dried then feed again...
Total water/feed In Generative Fruit cycle....12/12
120 liters PH6 water ( left out for 24 hours + ) @ 5 liters per pot.
CANNA.....A....................... = 300 ml
CANNA.....B....................... = 300 ml
CANNA.....Rhizotonic........... = 60 ml
CANNA.....Cannazym.......... = 300 ml
CANNA.....Boost................. = 480 ml
CANNA.....Magnesium......... = 60 ml ( as and when needed )
CANNA.....Calsium.............. = 60 ml ( as and when needed )
EC reading 1.8
I have a scope that i got about 1 month ago to check the tritch's so im good......
Im still amazed at how fast Cannabis grow's... And Im really looking forwads to harvest... I dont think I'll be growing as many next time so i wont have the problem i have with space and moving them around. It's getting a little difficult as there is just no space other than what the lady's have. I think i will grow 18 next time instead of 24. This should give me more space to move in there and i could also veg a little longer....