Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?


Well-Known Member
That last pic is the shit!! Can you imagine walking through a forest of pot? pot plants the size of trees barely able to see the sun through the "forest" canopy! sic pic dan


Well-Known Member
pic's of the lady's day 7 flower. most are over 20" high and wide.:joint:



Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. :joint::joint::joint:

Its been another busy few hours for me. I have changed the lighting set up ( again ) for the last time hopefully. I have use all the remaining space in the room, so the Lady's have some more space to grow and get light. And i have hung 1 of the fans from the ceiling. ( going to put another up tomorrow ). And i will be putting the 2 x 9" fans at the bottom of the plants next week when i clean the bottoms off the Lady's.

Its going to be hard to water and flush the girls on my own now so my brother is going to help out. ( going to give him one of the plants for his help ). kiss-ass

Im feeding them 3 liters of water/nutes every 3 days and they are growing like 1-2 inch a day. I have also pulled a few of the fan leaves from the bottom of each plant, but Im going to lift the skirts up on the lady's properly in 6 days time so that they can concentrate on putting there energy to the top node's and flowers.

Im also going to give them a flush next week at some point. Its going to be a big job as each pot is holding 45 liter's ( 9 gallons ) of medium. Quick sum would be 24 plants x 45 medium =1080 1080 medium x 3 times amount of medium = 3,240 liters ph6 water. Good job i have that 1000 liter tank outside my house. I will most probably do this over 2-4 days.

Anyway the Lady's look real good today and have had a small shot of N to keep them greener for longer. I gave the outside of each pot a quick clean and also cleaned the room again. Clinical or what lol

ok so here are just a couple of pic's for you today, but i will upload some more when i get time in the next few days so you can get a sence of the task ahead!!!

Thanks for stopping by. and feel free to comment....




Well-Known Member
WOW you are doing incredibly well for your first time!! My first grow yielded less than an eighth! lol. Good job and keep it up man I'll be watching!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. :joint::joint::joint:

Its been another busy few hours for me. I have changed the lighting set up ( again ) for the last time hopefully. I have use all the remaining space in the room, so the Lady's have some more space to grow and get light. And i have hung 1 of the fans from the ceiling. ( going to put another up tomorrow ). And i will be putting the 2 x 9" fans at the bottom of the plants next week when i clean the bottoms off the Lady's.

Its going to be hard to water and flush the girls on my own now so my brother is going to help out. ( going to give him one of the plants for his help ). kiss-ass

Im feeding them 3 liters of water/nutes every 3 days and they are growing like 1-2 inch a day. I have also pulled a few of the fan leaves from the bottom of each plant, but Im going to lift the skirts up on the lady's properly in 6 days time so that they can concentrate on putting there energy to the top node's and flowers.

Im also going to give them a flush next week at some point. Its going to be a big job as each pot is holding 45 liter's ( 9 gallons ) of medium. Quick sum would be 24 plants x 45 medium =1080 1080 medium x 3 times amount of medium = 3,240 liters ph6 water. Good job i have that 1000 liter tank outside my house. I will most probably do this over 2-4 days.

Anyway the Lady's look real good today and have had a small shot of N to keep them greener for longer. I gave the outside of each pot a quick clean and also cleaned the room again. Clinical or what lol

ok so here are just a couple of pic's for you today, but i will upload some more when i get time in the next few days so you can get a sence of the task ahead!!!

Thanks for stopping by. and feel free to comment....

how do you water those? And how do you manage your runoff? Please I am looking for ideas?


Well-Known Member
WOW you are doing incredibly well for your first time!! My first grow yielded less than an eighth! lol. Good job and keep it up man I'll be watching!
Thanks mate. Yeah stick around and see how i get on. I'll be posting pic's like every second day and i will be doing update's daily i think.



Well-Known Member
how do you water those? And how do you manage your runoff? Please I am looking for ideas?

I water with a 3 liter watering can with a rose on the end to spread the water. takes about 1 hour to water them all. If you go back a bit in to my thread you will see that i used black and white pvc on the raised floor, then i covered this with gaffa tape. ( lots of it too ) and i have like a small channel on the floor where any excess water runs and this is collected in to a sunken tray. I only have to empty the tray like an hour or 2 after watering and that its untill next watering.



Well-Known Member
Man I'm impressed by this grow every other day that you post pics fantastic job. So if you think yo might finally be done tweaking ur system (sure ur not lol we never really are) how much has this set up cost you so far? I read somewhere once that once you start growing MJ u either go pro or give up the hobby lol guess it didnt take into account people that go pro almost from the gate!