hhhheeeeelllpp can any one telll me whats going onn?


hey this is my first year growing some of my clones are tunring yellow and light green also they are curling at the tips and my other plant is doing well but some of the leafs are curling and are still green fell like paper check out the picccs and tell me what you think???



Active Member
i am haven the same problem. what soil are you usen? how often are you water? do u spray the leaves or just water the soil? the pictures look like u are growing it out doors is this correct? how often is it in the sun? what kinda weather have u been haven? what area of the country you liven in


am just using some potting mix right now its not that great, I water about every 2 days with the clones and the others every 4 to 5 days and i just water the soil, im growing outdoors too this is my first year so im learning it gets about 8 hours sun light i try to move them around its been cloudly the past 3 days not much sun, im in B.C canada heeellll yeeah


i havent tested my ph yet my buddys gunna lend me his tester and i havent used any nutes on the clones either I going to pick more nutes up soon.


Well-Known Member
those pics are blurry..possible cal def..i say this because of the little spec or dots...the outside edges looks like heatstress or nute burn..the curling of the sides could be from it burning up..and a wilting possible no enough water..i need better pics and evironment specs and shit


im usin a hd camara only one is blury but i have more. i havent used any nutes on the plants in the first 2 pics and the last one those are clones i live on vancouver island they get about 8 hour of sun light im tryin to move them arounds to get more ill get some updated pictures up too.