hhheeeellllllooooo :)

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Im going to guess and say you'll probably pull 3 zips a plant at least being you topped them... You def should of used bigger pots man because that def going to effect yield... You mean to tell me your in Nor Cal and your using mg soil?? You have 100's of garden supply stores around bro...lol...Why?? Im not hatin, Your plants look fantastic but lets just say if you would of went with some ff ocean forest soil and some good nutes, you would easily double your yeild IMO.... Either way your going to have some good smoke....
I know . I was just in a rush and wanted something next to my house lol. I went out to buy floranova and I'm using it tomorrow till harvest :). Tomorrow I'm going to see what else to buy :)

Well the rain fucked up half my crops :/ especially the first one . Still got 18 days to go I think ill just wait it out hope for the best

La Brigada

Well-Known Member
damn man thats a bummer, the last update was looking so nice
i hope you can save most of it
def need to do something about that
good luck man


Well-Known Member
Could it be they were damaged from the rain and leaning from that? Maybe stake them up or something?