hey sooooo i gotz the problem


Well-Known Member
hey so a nameless face i share blood with gave me some 2 good pounds of material, wants me to make him an ounce of bubble, half zip per pound, how would i do this and get the best quality to yeild ratio so i get enough remaining material to satisfy my shatter cravings
look for matt rizes tek in the concentrate section and follow that to a T. ive been using it for years and I always have some nice ass bubble.
allwaya agree on a % of the split.. so he cannot back out.. i had a friend gave me 4 lbs of outdoors 2 years ago.. for bubble bags.. we didnt agree he just wanted atleast half.. wen it was done.. it was less then we thought. and he wanted 3/4s.. this turned into a war because of it..

id say.. just tell him 50.50 or 60-40 depending on how much work U do.. honestly. i do 50.50 with 1 person.. and everyone else i deal with gets 40.. and i get 60..
Depends a lot on the starting material. Any percent of crap, is still crap.

I've extracted for a 50/50 split to our cancer programs, but was circumspect on whom I would do that for. I have to know the person well enough to know I won't end up throwing mine away over bad lab results.

The for hire extractors that I know best are split. Those selling to dispensaries will sometimes take half and sell that half if it is a large enough extraction to pay for the testing. Others charge by the hour, and how much oil you get per hour, depends on the quality of the material that you provide.
Depends a lot on the starting material. Any percent of crap, is still crap.

I've extracted for a 50/50 split to our cancer programs, but was circumspect on whom I would do that for. I have to know the person well enough to know I won't end up throwing mine away over bad lab results.

The for hire extractors that I know best are split. Those selling to dispensaries will sometimes take half and sell that half if it is a large enough extraction to pay for the testing. Others charge by the hour, and how much oil you get per hour, depends on the quality of the material that you provide.
50/50 split is typical ime as well. I for one wouldn't do it for less.