Hey Rollie! Why the Fuck was this Moved to the Politics Section?

I can list a few reasons off the top of my head why Obama sucks as a president. I do not agree with either party personally and my vote does not represent either party. My vote was for Ron Paul, an Economist who clearly had a better vision of how to fix our INEFFICIENT ECONOMY than Romney or Obama. If you don't think so , you're about as blind as a deer in headlights.

1. Obama spent the first two years of his presidency on his signature issue Obamacare and pushed through a government-centric solution that the majority of Americans don’t want.

2.Obama has led the country much further into debt, to the tune of $5 trillion of added deficits since he took office. Didn't Obama say he was going to cut the deficit in half? Well, he tripled it .... Way to go tiger!

3.Obama has wasted time in addressing rising unemployment, relying on his failed stimulus program while the unemployment rate has risen during his administration. In fact, he has put thousands more Americans out of work with his moratorium on most drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and reducing this country’s oil supply when prices at the gas pump have doubled during the Obama administration is hardly a good idea. Gas prices have more than doubled under this administration, Obama and Steven Chu don't even care because there trying to push a failed green energy policy.

4.Obama’s budget proposal for the 2012 fiscal year was an abdication of leadership. It raised spending and taxes, with no clear path towards real deficit reduction. It avoided entirely the issue of entitlements. Obama did not endorse any of the major elements of his own deficit commission’s deficit-reduction plan.

But hey he made health care more affordable.. Did he ? For who? Because my premiums have gone up the last 2 years in a row..
But "worst ever" requires a comparison with, oh say, Buchanan. And Fillmore. And maybe Hoover. cn

i was listening to a pod cast of peter joseph last night. He's the film maker that created zeitgeist, he's a pretty intelligent guy. Check him out If interested. He has some very enlightening opinions on the current state of our economy and where its headed.
He's the film maker that created zeitgeist, he's a pretty intelligent guy.

those two things contradict each other and thus can not be both true. must reject one of the premises.

either that dude did not make zeitgeist, or he is not intelligent.
fap fap fap fap fap fap

Waite one min here, I wish to know who is
holding the cigar this time? and I'm sure it was in the Lincoln bred room, but we wont know whose
dress or samples are present until testing and we all know
it wont amount to a hill of shit after the election.

For fucks sake they promised Putin all of the used goodies.

And whole body protection may not fit like a glove with glasses on. lol
Waite one min here, I wish to know who is
holding the cigar this time? and I'm sure it was in the Lincoln bred room, but we wont know whose
dress or samples are present until testing and we all know
it wont amount to a hill of shit after the election.

For fucks sake they promised Putin all of the used goodies.

And whole body protection may not fit like a glove with glasses on. lol

this man^^^^ is either really high or has been drinking.
I can list a few reasons off the top of my head why Obama sucks as a president. I do not agree with either party personally and my vote does not represent either party. My vote was for Ron Paul, an Economist who clearly had a better vision of how to fix our INEFFICIENT ECONOMY than Romney or Obama. If you don't think so , you're about as blind as a deer in headlights.

i like how reasonable you are right from the start here. it truly is the mark of a rational thinker.

"rawn pawl or you're blind and you need to wake up and open your eyes!"

rawn pawl is not an economist. austrian economics have zero track record of success, anywhere. ever. he predicted financial collapse for 30 years and then we had one. that does not make him a smart man, that simply means that the sun came up, like we all knew it was going to.

rawn pawl has no solution to fix anything. his solution is to "let the markets clear". that means let it all burn down so we can rebuild from the ashes.

that's a solution in the same way my lai was a solution: it became necessary to destroy the town in order to save it.

not exactly a plan that your average american would endorse.

1. Obama spent the first two years of his presidency on his signature issue Obamacare and pushed through a government-centric solution that the majority of Americans don’t want.

i fail to see what is government-centric about requiring americans who can afford health insurance to buy it from a private, for profit insurer. maybe you can tell me what i am missing here. i mean, you have already established that i am as blind as a deer in the headlights because i don't support rawn pawl with all my heart, like you do.

2.Obama has led the country much further into debt, to the tune of $5 trillion of added deficits since he took office. Didn't Obama say he was going to cut the deficit in half? Well, he tripled it .... Way to go tiger!

this is pure lies. pure lies. damned lies.

your claim: obama tripled the deficit

truth value of your claim: stinky turd floating in dirty toilet

reality: obama inherited a $1.5 trillion annual deficit. the most recent annual deficit was $1.1 trillion.

conclusion: obama has lowered the deficit.

if your beef is with the deficit, than obama is certainly not "the worst ever". the guy right before him took a projected surplus and turned it into a $1.5 trillion annual deficit. if deficits are your worry, than george w bush, pappa bush, and especially reagan should rank much lower on your list of shitty presidents.

3.Obama has wasted time in addressing rising unemployment, relying on his failed stimulus program while the unemployment rate has risen during his administration. In fact, he has put thousands more Americans out of work with his moratorium on most drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and reducing this country’s oil supply when prices at the gas pump have doubled during the Obama administration is hardly a good idea. Gas prices have more than doubled under this administration, Obama and Steven Chu don't even care because there trying to push a failed green energy policy.

i don't understand how anyone can say the stimulus failed. we were losing about 800k jobs a month until the stimulus was implemented and we turned it around and starting adding jobs. the stimulus was implemented after february 2009. look what happens to jobs right after that point:


why, we start to add more and more jobs! what a failure! of course, this success of keynesian economics is more success than austrian economics has ever had, ever, in the history of mankind.

as far as the rise in gas prices? only a dummy would blame that on the president. the fact is that gas prices have doubled because obama took office with the economy on shambles. note what happens to the price of gas when the economy absolutely blows to smitherines in october of 2008:


so let's be honest here, jpill.

talking about honesty, obama's DOE has a better rate of success investing in green energy than bain capital has. so, you'd be hard pressed to call that failed policy.

4.Obama’s budget proposal for the 2012 fiscal year was an abdication of leadership. It raised spending and taxes, with no clear path towards real deficit reduction. It avoided entirely the issue of entitlements. Obama did not endorse any of the major elements of his own deficit commission’s deficit-reduction plan.

overly broad and vague, misleading, and just impossible to respond to.

what did you want to see? a rawn pawl-esque slashing of the social safety net? get specific here.

But hey he made health care more affordable.. Did he ? For who? Because my premiums have gone up the last 2 years in a row..

hey dude, not sure if you've been paying attention, say, these last 20 fucking years or so, but you may have noticed that premiums tripled in the 20 years before obama came into office.


your premiums, if they are on par with the national average, have gone up slower than any time in recent history.

not only that, but if your insurer spent too much on administrative nonsense instead of actual health care, they were forced by law to send you a rebate check. millions of americans got those checks, saving them billions of dollars. all part of that "government-centric" reform as you called it.

so again, if your beef is with rising premiums, than obama is the last president you can fault. your premiums went up way more under his predecessors than they have under obama.

empirically, you have just destroyed your own claims, jpill.

to me, it all just sounds like rawn pawl butthurt.


I will address this worthless attempt to defend Obama tomorrow when i have more time , but in the mean time here a little tid-bit for you which you'll probably will choose not to except.

I will address this worthless attempt to defend Obama tomorrow when i have more time , but in the mean time here a little tid-bit for you which you'll probably will choose not to except.


actually, a good half of the stimulus was revenue lost in giving tax cuts to 95% of americans, small businesses included. the stimulus was the largest tax cut in american history.

but yes, the way keynesian economics works is by borrowing to spur demand and job creation when things are sluggish, and then paying it back when times are good, just like happened under william jefferson clinton.

guess who clinton endorses?
i like how reasonable you are right from the start here. it truly is the mark of a rational thinker.

"rawn pawl or you're blind and you need to wake up and open your eyes!"

rawn pawl is not an economist. austrian economics have zero track record of success, anywhere. ever. he predicted financial collapse for 30 years and then we had one. that does not make him a smart man, that simply means that the sun came up, like we all knew it was going to.

rawn pawl has no solution to fix anything. his solution is to "let the markets clear". that means let it all burn down so we can rebuild from the ashes.

that's a solution in the same way my lai was a solution: it became necessary to destroy the town in order to save it.

not exactly a plan that your average american would endorse.

i fail to see what is government-centric about requiring americans who can afford health insurance to buy it from a private, for profit insurer. maybe you can tell me what i am missing here. i mean, you have already established that i am as blind as a deer in the headlights because i don't support rawn pawl with all my heart, like you do.

this is pure lies. pure lies. damned lies.

your claim: obama tripled the deficit

truth value of your claim: stinky turd floating in dirty toilet

reality: obama inherited a $1.5 trillion annual deficit. the most recent annual deficit was $1.1 trillion.

conclusion: obama has lowered the deficit.

if your beef is with the deficit, than obama is certainly not "the worst ever". the guy right before him took a projected surplus and turned it into a $1.5 trillion annual deficit. if deficits are your worry, than george w bush, pappa bush, and especially reagan should rank much lower on your list of shitty presidents.

i don't understand how anyone can say the stimulus failed. we were losing about 800k jobs a month until the stimulus was implemented and we turned it around and starting adding jobs. the stimulus was implemented after february 2009. look what happens to jobs right after that point:


why, we start to add more and more jobs! what a failure! of course, this success of keynesian economics is more success than austrian economics has ever had, ever, in the history of mankind.

as far as the rise in gas prices? only a dummy would blame that on the president. the fact is that gas prices have doubled because obama took office with the economy on shambles. note what happens to the price of gas when the economy absolutely blows to smitherines in october of 2008:


so let's be honest here, jpill.

talking about honesty, obama's DOE has a better rate of success investing in green energy than bain capital has. so, you'd be hard pressed to call that failed policy.

overly broad and vague, misleading, and just impossible to respond to.

what did you want to see? a rawn pawl-esque slashing of the social safety net? get specific here.

hey dude, not sure if you've been paying attention, say, these last 20 fucking years or so, but you may have noticed that premiums tripled in the 20 years before obama came into office.


your premiums, if they are on par with the national average, have gone up slower than any time in recent history.

not only that, but if your insurer spent too much on administrative nonsense instead of actual health care, they were forced by law to send you a rebate check. millions of americans got those checks, saving them billions of dollars. all part of that "government-centric" reform as you called it.

so again, if your beef is with rising premiums, than obama is the last president you can fault. your premiums went up way more under his predecessors than they have under obama.

empirically, you have just destroyed your own claims, jpill.

to me, it all just sounds like rawn pawl butthurt.


