Hey People first time grow please check pics i think i have some mould taking over...


Hey people first time grower first time poster on here :)

i have just harvested my 2 crude oil plants while doing the second one i noticed black stems and the like when opened buds for snipping, the first one did not have it but when i look closer there are a few tiny black bits deep in the buds and the crystals are they trichromes or a fungus or mould?

if this is mould can i keep the buds without it and toss the others or it's all junk now? me & my mates have been smoking for over a week now:?

Thanks in Advance People

Cheers Damo...



Active Member
You my good man have bud rot :)
Make extra special care to clean your grow room out with bleach and soap water, otherwise you can reinfest future crops.
When you dry pot, you have to dry it pretty fast (2-3 days) otherwise you can get that if the plant didnt already develop it when it was alive.
I personally dry mine in like a 2-3 days, then I throw them in jars and cure them for a good month before smoking.
Ive smoked moldy bud before and I didnt have any adverse affects (I also have a little asthma), but I wouldnt recommend it.
Pick out the moldy spots and dry them in the oven at like 250*F, then mix it in with some everlcear and slam it, if you dont want to throw it out. You can also bake with it....i think?
Next time remember to be clean and to dry your nugs pretty quick after harvest to prevent mold.


Active Member
It can only grow in the right conditions, to high a r.h. is the cause of it. Also what are you talking about "dry your nugs pretty quick after harvest to prevent mold" rarely read so much crap. Curing is about slow drying TCD


Active Member
i agree with bud rot or humidity being to high causing a mold issue. never use bleach in a grow room. Bad for the enviorment and your health. use a fungicide with a mold barrier. Home depot sells a product called cornaqopium. Dont know if i spelled that correctly. Its in a spay bottle or a concentrate, white bottle with green blue label. Control Humidity and use actino iron.

Nepaljam x Oaxaca

Active Member
Hey people first time grower first time poster on here :)

i have just harvested my 2 crude oil plants while doing the second one i noticed black stems and the like when opened buds for snipping, the first one did not have it but when i look closer there are a few tiny black bits deep in the buds and the crystals are they trichromes or a fungus or mould?

if this is mould can i keep the buds without it and toss the others or it's all junk now? me & my mates have been smoking for over a week now:?

Thanks in Advance People

Cheers Damo...
Go pick up some Physan 20 for you're next grow. Keep the humidity under 50% next time aswell. botrytis is a bad dude, do some reserch on mold and cannabis and you'll never have to deal with it again. Smoking mold is toxic so i would just throw the infected buds away and try for next time.

Nepaljam x Oaxaca

Active Member
i agree with bud rot or humidity being to high causing a mold issue. never use bleach in a grow room. Bad for the enviorment and your health. use a fungicide with a mold barrier. Home depot sells a product called cornaqopium. Dont know if i spelled that correctly. Its in a spay bottle or a concentrate, white bottle with green blue label. Control Humidity and use actino iron.
Espoma copper soap or garden fungicide always worked well for me, home depot sells them aswell.


Active Member
Go pick up some Physan 20 for you're next grow. Keep the humidity under 50% next time aswell. botrytis is a bad dude, do some reserch on mold and cannabis and you'll never have to deal with it again. Smoking mold is toxic so i would just throw the infected buds away and try for next time.
I always wonderd if it would be toxic. If the r.h is kept at 50/55% mould can,t grow even if you tried :D :weed: Thanks Nepaljam TCD