Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

I'll be 59 this April Fool's and I've been growing a little here and there since '77. Never forget finding that bag of seedy ass Mexican weed under my the ashtray of my dad's old "hippy" van . . . couple of friends and I rolled 3-4 joints and without a thought, tossed the seeds in mom's flower bed. Few weeks later one of my friends looked down and we discovered growing weed.
That's my daughter's birthday!

Happy birthday and may you keep growing for many years to come.
Remember the 90s and most of the 80s but remember all those backyard and homegrows when all you had was bag seed and a bit of ingenuity. The times bringing my little girlfriend out to my spot to sit with plants, toke, drink and screw around before it was time to go home for dinner..
Also remember going to juvie for getting caught. 2 prison stints and so many hard-knocks later, still growing the way I used to(just no MG these days).
F*ck, what I'd give to go back to the early 80's-mid/late 70s again..
64 and retired here,....starting to get those Medicare advertisements shoved by the fist-full in my mailbox. I started growing as a teen in the early 70's in a small town in Texas. Then in 1975, my freshman year of college, I got busted with an indoor grow. It was merely a "class C" misdemeanor back then with a $450 fine and 6 months probation. The cops kept a plant of mine growing in the lobby of the police station and I was proud every time I saw it when I came in for monthly probation visits. The cop that busted me eventually got caught selling weed back to kids at the racetrack. My parents dropped my college funding of course so I went out and hit the grindstone a year or so before I applied for a grant and went back to school on my own. Only then did I learn the value of striving for a goal at my own cost in this big world and boom! Off went my career. Years went by before we legalized medically in my state and I started growing again, but this time without fear and with much more precision and finesse! Now we are recreational here and its even better. Loving the new strains and each little seedling still brings that happy place to my being, no matter how gruesome the daily news is. Trimming is not so fun anymore but I sure do enjoy the fruits of my labor as well as others I share with. It's funny, the curve ball this plant threw at my life and how it came back to fill my time and enrich my mind when things cooled down. Even helps with all those freakin aches and pains that come out of nowhere at this age. And they keep on comin....
I was born during WW2, learned to rock and roll in the 50's, watched women burn their bra's in the 60's, raised 3 boys in the 70's and 80's, blessed with 6 grand-kids in the 90's, retired in 2010, started raising and smoking my personal homegrown pot from that time to the present, oh yeah, married to the same woman for 54 years. Now if I could just remember how old I am.
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I was born during WW2, learned to rock and roll in the 50's, watched women burn their bra's in the 60's, raised 3 boys in the 70's and 80's, blessed with 6 grand-kids in the 90's, retired in 2010, started raising and smoking my personal homegrown pot from that time to the present, oh yeah, married to the same woman for 54 years. Now if I could just remember how old I am.
Older than dirt. But still above it, so good for you!
Nearly though if it helps I am 47 and a half and I feel 80 every morning
When I was round and about that age, my Dr. told me that while waiting for the coffee to brew, to eat two pcs of toast (whole wheat) with apple sauce. The Dr. continued and said coffee and toast with apple sauce will give instant energy, and brother, it works. I've had that shot of energy for 20 plus years, of course I toke a sativa while doing the coffee.
I'm here for advise on getting old while keeping that young get-up and go.
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62 here. Stated smoking Easter 1974! Remember Haileys Comet..? I got stoned and missed it! Haven't smoked for a time, but needed a new hobby and Hydro looked like a gateway thing..

My advice (take what you will) is to start with a soil mixture - my fav is super soil (lots of recipe's on here, just search). Lots easier & the failure rate (and learning curve) is much more forgiving.
G/L my friend.