
Active Member
ok ive did my first plant i got a 16 oz cup put some good soil and and nutrients planted the seeds in them water it everyday it got sunlight everyday its been 1 month nothing has grown what have i down wrong please help!! :cry:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
would a earthworm mess it up? i would think it would help.... did you use mature seeds? you dont need nutes when its a seedling too, also, occasionally, the seeds shell could be too thick, in any case, i would think a month is too long


Active Member
yes, next time, let them germinate.
take a tissue, water it and put the wet tissue onto a plate.
put the seed on top of the tissue. put another wet tissue on top
of the seed and put a 2nd plate onto the tissue so no light gets in.
check the seeds every day and keep them moist to wet.
they should crack up in about 2 days. btw: you should not use nutrients
at this point. do it later or after you got cuttings.


Well-Known Member
Most likely you killed it by adding nutrients, no need for any kind of fertilizer for about the first month of growth.