hey new looking for advice outdoors and abit late.

summers been going on for awhile and i couldnt get my hands on any ok seeds until recently. Now i've germinated the few i'm trying to grow with the oldschoolish moist napkin in a ziplock till they're well enough to put in pots/soil.

basically what i'm trying to figure out is if theres anypoint in trying to get some kind of yield out of them. for example if they will flower and bud in time if the lights proper and other things to help.

i've read literature on it before but this was a few years ago i've attempted before but it usually goes sour about the time they get a couple feet tall. and someone kills them. i now am sure i have a place where they will have peace.

geographically. i'm in a southern state and its summer right now..

any help would be appreciated also advice to ensure females would be helpful or how to make sure they will flower outdoors and what signs to look for when its time to harvest and estimated times from seed to product.

also for the record not to sell tho i wouldnt mind some cash lol. more to save money and support my own habit abit if possible. sorry about bad grammar in advanced.

edit: i was also reading about bug/insect problems and would like to know how serious it can get and stuff. also this should technically be my first grow. and i cant say i expect/want it to go amazing but i would like some kind of reasonable yield if possible.
sorry if i seem inexperienced. but i'd also like to add that these are just plain seeds no fancy name colors and the best hairs they might get are orange. reggie-mid weed. tho i'd love for it to magically become loud lol.. i'm gunna keep reading around and hope greatly that i'm not too late to get something out of it.
i dont understand how. but my post is already on page 2 with no views besides mine. i'd really like some help if possible..

i apologize for the multiple messages i dont know what the bump policy is on this forum or how bad an infraction it could be i hope not too serious.


You are definitely pushing the growing season. I am more than happy to give advice, but I am still a novice, so if an expert gives advice contradictory to mine; you might want to listen to them instead. But here goes my advice.

At this point, you might not get much per plant, perhaps about an ounce hopefully more. Because of your late timing, you'll definitely want to give the best possible conditions for your girls to grow. Here is what I would do...

Day 1 - Germinate using the wet paper towels method. For me, I prefer to seal them with Tupperware over a ziplock bag.
Day 3 - Seeds should be all showing roots, plant seeds. I seed per pot. Seal pot with clingwrap for a makeshift greenhouse. Use spray bottle to keep soil moist everyday. Keep them on a 24 hour period throughout.
Day 5-7 - Remove clingwrap as plants start pushing through the ground.
Weeks 2-3 - Soil should only be watered when it's dry, for me, this forces the roots to grow. Keep plants on 24 hour light, if you can put your plants in the sun everyday for 2 hours. This will prevent shock to the strength of the sun later on when you put them out.

Week 3 - By this point, you plants should be about a foot fall, have 3-4 nodes each. For the last 3 days of your plants life indoors, I would slowly cut the light hours. 22 hours of light on the 3rd last day, 20 hours of light on the 2nd last day, and finally 18 hours of light on it's last day indoors.

End of week 3 - Transplant them outside, give them nutrients that will help them with the shock. For myself, I've been using a formula that has 10-15-10...if an expert recommends a better ratio, I would go with them, the 10-15-10 is just what I use.

After this, I would watch the weather channel very carefully. Water your plants with nutrients (10-10-20), once every two waterings (including mother natures watering) If you can find an area that is very bushy, that might be a good idea. Just clear an area in the bush, and plant them. I've been doing this, and it's prevented deers and such from going in, but my area is very very bushy. If your area doesn't have this, I would VERY much recommend chickenwire to cover your plants. The last thing you want is for some deer to eat your goods just days prior to harvest. About 2 weeks prior to harvesting, stop the nutrients or you'll get a bad taste from the bud. If everything turns out alright, you should have 3 feet plants and possibly 2 ounces per plant.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
This late in the season I don't think your going to yield anything too much even with clones it will be tough.
I would start planning for next year..


Well-Known Member
Experience is the best teacher! It is real late in the season but you will never know what you may get if you don't try. If you are lucky to get anything it is one less transaction you have to make this fall- and there is the satisfaction of smoking you own homegrown. If you get nothing at least you will be better prepared for next year.

I like asap's strategy- I grow in containers and if you go that route (instead of in the ground) put your seedlings in a small container (1 qt) first, then transplant to your final container (at this late date, 3 gallon may be okay, next year use a 5 gallon min) once the plant has developed a strong root network. I am in a southern state as well but have had little trouble with bugs. My main problem is the nosy neighbor next door...
we're near roads and such. with a smallish patch of woods beside and going to the back yard abit. with neighbors i dont think i'll have too much to worry about with that atleast i hope. i'm more worried about getting nothing out of them. 2 seeds didnt make it i've already put one with about an eighth of root or stem i think root since germination but dont want to say the wrong thing.. i'm hoping for atleast 1 female. and since it takes quite awhile to grow. 1 or 2 ounces a plant would be very nice. but if it goes well enough to get a 1/4 or 1/2 from one or both then i'll be happy for using the time. i have some plant food tho i'd have to look at the ratio. but other than that its fully natural outdoors. i'm not entirely sure if i should ground plant or stick with pots i believe i have it in a 2-3 gallon black plant pot..

i'll take all of this advice i can get to the fullest and best i can use it with my means. and thank you both for the imput.

edit: and sorry i missed it hodge i cant really argue with you at all. but considering the time to wait i've got to atleast try i think. and thank you for coming to look.


Well-Known Member
Best wishes to your grow, just watch the plant and she'll tell you her needs. Wouldn't use larger than 3 gallon pots this late in the game, so save some money and keep it small.


Active Member
If you are worried about temp, seeing that summer is already on the way out the door, why not try and put up a hot house of sorts. I had some sqauk seed that I threw out the window start to grow so I took some clear plastic bin liner, built a wigwam of sticks over the plants and place the liner over as to form a "tent". Winter came and they just kept on growing and ended up flowering in the middle of winter. Maby I was just lucky but its worth a try...


What I would be worried about right now is how much veg time you could possibly give them. You have to grow them indoors for at least 3 weeks, if you can't do this, it's going to be difficult.