Hey my bad you'se guys'


Active Member
Before everyone rips into me for insighting a roit on a post that i wont name. (everyone who was there knows my dumbass)
I read 2 articles about a certian topic and some advice of a mentor thats pretty oldschool, and thought it was "the gospil".
Please excuse my ignorance, i didn't realize there was far more to understand.
i def. shouldn't have gone on like that.
To all those on that post that day, i do appreciate the info and links that were posted to show me how idiotic i was being. I did read all of them very throughly and some a few times over.

*Again that's my bad. Ya'll were there to help a fellow grower out and Im not even sure he got the help he needed on that post. Also as I think about it... Im not even sure his post was even about what i commented about; My bad too.**
Don't flush its pointless there's still going to be nutrients all your doing is essentially drowning your plants and stressing it the fuck out when its almost done flowering and could have gotten fatter if you continued giving bloom nutes! Lol JS
Its when you flush or drain all the nutrients(chemicals) out of your buds durring last 2 weeks of flowering by giving straight water its really bs, makes no sense, and isn't very helpful...people say it doesn't make a difference and others say it makes there ash change colors, but I'm against it my gals are getting bloom nutes all throughout flower to develop fat dense, sparkily resinous, dank buds!
Just think about all the foods we eat they are mostly GMO and have been sprayed with insecticides/pesticides and given all types of fertilizer to make them up to the sellers standards I see it like this if you eat that shit then what's the difference in smoking it... Really isn't any is my point! Lol but everyone has there opinions I'm just telling ya what I believe about it.