Hey mogie... I got an idea


Well-Known Member
Hey mogie I remeber you were having a thing for smoking devices with pictures and everything. Well I just thought of one literally 1 minute ago, and I dont want to forget

Ok alot of people know about gravity bongs, well this is similar, but simplier, and you dont need a cooler or a bucket of water. Ok heres the idea

You remeber when you were little and you would put two, 2liter bottles together, connect them with like duct tape or whatever. fill one up with water, usually kids used to add glitter to make it look cool, then turn it upside down and shake it, and it would make a twister and the water would go into the empty bottle. When it all switched sides you would flip it over again, and so on. Well I have one of these and was playing with it.

What if you had a similar setup, except spent a little more time and made it better. For instance put a hose link in between bottles.. so you have a little switch type thing, and when you flip it, it lets water threw. ok so you have it built. Just stand it strait up, so that the water is in the top.. Put a alumium foil type bowl at the top, or use a real bowl, and put weed in it. Then when everything is set, put a flame to the weed, and then flip the switch. The water will go down into the bottom 2liter, and suck the weed into the top one. after the water goes all the way down, it shoulid be filled with weed.

obviously this plan is going to have some problems becuase I have been drinking, and just thought of it. But I know I can make it work, and if I work on it, I can make it awesome. Even throw some glitter in there to, just to make it look trippy. Oooo and some live fish inside.. damn this could be amazing

So hey if you see a problem tell me please, I am going to start making this tomorow, and everyones ideas, and comments should help.

On a side note I thought of another idea... much simplier... but stupid and funny because im drunk. I want someone to do this tho lol

Like a gravity... get a gallon or 2 liter or whatever. Fill it with water. Then make a bowl at the top.. put the flame to it. THen just poke a hole in the bottom of the gallon. The water will all come out in exchange for weed. Then you will have a nice hit. Obviuosly this plan has alot of flaws lol... like water everywhere, but maybe someone can make it better. I think my idea uses this, but keeps the water

I hope I make sence.. going to stop drinking so I can draw some blueprints.

Thanks guys :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
that been your lil game in high school... blunt, plastic bottle with the bottom cut of and a little hole in the lid and you are all set to go:D

that is a flawless design for high school kids in the summer:D


Well-Known Member
ive done the 2 liter bottle with
a hole in the bottom. and let the water out
and it sucks the smoke down and makes
a huge hit! it works pretty good!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I need plans to understand I am not good at being able to see what someone means without them. I'm one of those people that has trouble putting together unassembled furniture.


Well-Known Member
i gone make one of those later on, okay mogie, just have to get me a bottle for the stunt. only bottles in my place are glass beer bottles:D


Well-Known Member
Yeh I am going to try and get pictures and everything, but I think im going to go pass out now. Goodnight guys. Hope all your plants are safe : )


Well-Known Member
we used a five gallon bucket and a 1 gallon milk jug. my boss kept it out in the shop on the bottom shelf in the back. after all the workers would leave he would look at me and say "go get the bucket".


Well-Known Member
I think this is what you mean, tinfoil type bowl on top, you light it and flip the switch so the water drains, pulling smoke into the top two liter and draining the water to the one below. You can do this same thing by poking a hole in the side of a two liter or milk jug and filling it with water while covering the hole, put a bowl on top, light it and let go of the hole, the draining water pulls a hit for you.



Active Member
Quickest-simplest "Waterfall" we call em in England.

Get 1 plastic gallon milk carton,cut off bottom,place tin foil over top where milk pours out,secure with rubber band on neck.

Fill sink with water,place carton in sink 5/6ths to top,place weed on foil,light weed and draw up the carton from water. DO NOT pull carton all way out.Voila you now have a carton 5/6 full of cool smoke.Remove foil put mouth over top and push carton back down into water," inhale deeply it is good for you" as the nazis used to say. Then fall over and mong out for half hour or so.

Repeat until unconscious or have no weed left either way it F$*&!!s you up good style.

Hope that helps, it is for sure less hassle than building your contraption and does the same job.

All the best



Active Member
Simplest waterfall bong i've made was using a Smirnoff Twist bottle, near the bottom you'll see a flat groove where the machine in the packing plant picks the bottle up, take a screwdriver and give the handle a nice sharp impact with the tip on this flat spot on the bottle, this will give you a nice small hole, then its as simple as pokin the hole in the cap and putting in a slider bowl. Fill it up with water, light it and let it drain.... this shit works crazy good, assuming you dont mind hacking your lungs out for 20 minutes lol. Ive seen quite a few kids puke from this setup but omg is it worth it. This setup I guess isnt easier than the other ideas listed here, but it's a more permanant toy than using plastic.


Well-Known Member
I think this is what you mean, tinfoil type bowl on top, you light it and flip the switch so the water drains, pulling smoke into the top two liter and draining the water to the one below. You can do this same thing by poking a hole in the side of a two liter or milk jug and filling it with water while covering the hole, put a bowl on top, light it and let go of the hole, the draining water pulls a hit for you.

Tinfoil is toxic if used as a screen..Its been known to cause alzehimers


Active Member
Nuggs is probably right there,replace the foil with some steel gauze,then at least you will remember how much shit you smoked in 50 years time!!!


Well-Known Member
Entropic : )

Thats exactly what im talking about. I know what a waterfall is, and everything you guys were talking about, but for those you need a body of water. I want something hand held. By putting a bowl on the one entropic posted, you could simply flip the switch, let the water go to the bottom 2 liter, then take your hit. Flip it back over. And repeat. You could bring it anywhere, and you wouldnt need a body of water. And you wouldnt have to keep filling it up.

I am going to go try and create one right now. Hopefully ill be successful and get a picture up sometime today. Trick is, to have a on/off switch connecting the two, 2 liters. So that when its standing straight up, you can have the water in the top 2liter without it draining automaticcally into the bottom one. Then when you are ready to hit, just flip the switch, and bam. Watch the water drain out, and the smoke drain in : )

Nice job entropic : )


Active Member
Yeah, but food for thought here, you described a self contained waterfall bong..... now I'm just curious, if the water is going from one side to the other hourglass style, where precisely are you gonna throw the bowl at on that thing. Really the most manageable way i could see that happening is if you used both the capped ends of the 2 liter bottles on the outsides (so opposite from what entropic has illustrated) then just switched the cap that has the slider bowl around when the water was on one side then switch it back when the waters on the other.(still kinda a spill risk though /shrug) That and you'd have to have some sort of a divider in the center of the bottles, and I'm not sure how you'd manage that one.


Well-Known Member
The device that connects the two, 2 liters... would be like a hose faucet, it has a little lever, that stops the water, or lets it go. I would keep it shut, so the water wouldnt recede into the bottom 2liter, until I was all ready. Then I would turn the little lever, and the water would go threw. hit it, then put a cap on the side with the bowl. Flip it back over. Put the bowl back on, and repeat. Maybe im just bad at explaining : (