Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

Pools should outlawed as the evaporation is water vapor 35+ worse than co2. Don't you agree?
What's with this false logic conservatives seem to think is scintillating? Boringly repetitive and stupid.

I'm not advocating outlawing guns. I'm just surprised that most of you gun nuts seem to think that you have no responsibility to store a firearm safely.

OK, let me ask you. Do you keep your firearm locked up?
Any justifying should be on you as you are trying to take a right and limit this right. Don't you think you should be pushing a law that pot should always be locked up in a safe? No one is going to die in the 10 or 20 seconds extra to get a puff, are they? The explaining is up to you
The gun nut here is you as you have a problem with them and the owners of them. would you not be happy in an other country?
Actually, I have been explaining why I think that guns should be locked up. Do you think the second amendment makes it ok to hand a child a loaded gun and leave it with them unsupervised? That's not a right. Don't like what I'm saying? Good.
Actually, I have been explaining why I think that guns should be locked up. Do you think the second amendment makes it ok to hand a child a loaded gun and leave it with them unsupervised? That's not a right. Don't like what I'm saying? Good.

I dont think there should be radio's, telephones, or anything else that is a distraction in a car. So, since I think that, we should pass a law prohibiting all these things...
Nonsense. Don't be ignorant. When people accidentally kill or maim other people with a gun, there are few laws if any regarding gun negligence.
Don't be ignorant! When people maim or kill someone in any way and negligence is involved there are laws that cover this. Are YOU IGNORANT of this also?

Why Americans Don't Treat Fatal Gun Negligence as a Crime

Kasey Wilson lives in rural Missouri. He is in his mid-twenties, married with children, and runs his own lawn care business. On October 28, 2013, as his kids played in the front yard with four-year-old Zoie Dougan, the daughter of a visiting friend, Wilson borrowed a rifle from next door, went into his backyard, closed one eye, and shot across the lawn toward a pile of trash. He didn’t realize he had shot Zoie in the head until he heard screaming. By the time she arrived at the hospital by airlift she was dead, and her mother had already asked the police to go easy on her friend. “It was an accident,” deputies report.

This must come from some left wing crap as him and his wife are own welfare and he cuts grass for extra money.

If he had to work he wouldn't have had time or maybe he would been to tired to have done this.
Don't you think we should outlaw welfare?
This could have saved that girls life.

What's with this false logic conservatives seem to think is scintillating? Boringly repetitive and stupid.

What false logic?
I'm not advocating outlawing guns. I'm just surprised that most of you gun nuts seem to think that you have no responsibility to store a firearm safely.

Your carricature of gun owners as nuts shows that while you may not be advocating the outlawing of guns here and now, it does show its what you think!
Don't be ignorant! When people maim or kill someone in any way and negligence is involved there are laws that cover this. Are YOU IGNORANT of this also?

This must come from some left wing crap as him and his wife are own welfare and he cuts grass for extra money.

If he had to work he wouldn't have had time or maybe he would been to tired to have done this.
Don't you think we should outlaw welfare?
This could have saved that girls life.

What false logic?

Your carricature of gun owners as nuts shows that while you may not be advocating the outlawing of guns here and now, it does show its what you think!
Negligence resulting in accidental shootings and even death are hardly ever prosecuted. I've already posted a citation to back this up. Show me that you aren't a stupid ignorant gun nut and give me some real information that refutes this.

Your fantasy of protecting somebody is just that. Use of a gun to protect or defend almost never happens. Much more frequently the Barney that owns the gun shoots himself or somebody else accidentally. Keeping a gun in the house without locking it up results in more carnage when kids or drunk adults -- usually that same Barney -- pick that weapon up and they shoot somebody. I'm not even talking about suicide. Owing a gun does not make you or anybody around you safer. Locking a gun up does.

Stupid false logic is when you compare one unrelated event to another in an "if this then why not that" format. Like your stupid comparison of accidental gun death to pools drownings. How are accidental gun deaths related to swimming pool drownings? And by the way, prosecutors are much more likely to go after somebody that has a drowning in their un-fenced pool than an accidental shooting.

So tell me chump, do you lock your gun up? I don't think you do.
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Actually, I have been explaining why I think that guns should be locked up. Do you think the second amendment makes it ok to hand a child a loaded gun and leave it with them unsupervised? That's not a right. Don't like what I'm saying? Good.

I think that if you leave a child alone then you should hand a kid a gun and remind them not to shoot to wound only to kill.
This can't be a blanket statement imo.
You are one of the few people regularly posting sensible thoughts regarding gun ownership. For the average person, the statistics say they are safer without the gun. For those that take the time to get proper training and who have worked out the detail about what to do with that gun and when to use it, I believe those people push the needle closer to zero risk.
You are one of the few people regularly posting sensible thoughts regarding gun ownership. For the average person, the statistics say they are safer without the gun. For those that take the time to get proper training and who have worked out the detail about what to do with that gun and when to use it, I believe those people push the needle closer to zero risk.

Agreed. That's why I insist that we have a people problem rather than a gun problem.
And, btw, most of my guns get locked up. There is a shotgun and handgun that don't. Except when guests are over, minors or most adults. Then there is only a handgun immediately available to me, and I am carrying it.
you serious walk around your home with a handgun on you ? How often do you feel the need to do this ?
you serious walk around your home with a handgun on you ? How often do you feel the need to do this ?
@budlover13 has said this before and given his reasons for it. He's also been critical of others when they post stupid shit like images of people carrying assault rifles in an unsafe manner. He has a lot more training than the average Barney. Whether or not you or I feel we need to have a gun handy at all times is irrelevant. At least that's what I think.
you serious walk around your home with a handgun on you ? How often do you feel the need to do this ?

I do it when I have company who's proficiency with firearms i don't know and therefore am uncomfortable with. I want a firearm available when I need/want it. If I locked them all up and was sitting in the front room watching a movie or entertaining, I would have to recognize the potential threat, go to the safe, unlock it, secure my firearm, then engage said threat. I personally know two people who have been home invaded. Both had guns. Neither had one immediately available to them. They both lost their guns and much more even though they were locked up. One happened while he was mowing his lawn.

So, yes, I carry one on me at home sometimes. Is that not being responsible? Tbh, when I have company and carry a handgun, its purpose is to allow me to get to my shotgun.

I have had only two guests get all sketchy on me about me carrying a gun in my own home. They were both told that this is how it works in my home and they are free to leave if they wish. After honest discussion, neither one left and both now own their own firearms.

May not be your choice, but it IS mine.
I do it when I have company who's proficiency with firearms i don't know and therefore am uncomfortable with. I want a firearm available when I need/want it. If I locked them all up and was sitting in the front room watching a movie or entertaining, I would have to recognize the potential threat, go to the safe, unlock it, secure my firearm, then engage said threat. I personally know two people who have been home invaded. Both had guns. Neither had one immediately available to them. They both lost their guns and much more even though they were locked up. One happened while he was mowing his lawn.

So, yes, I carry one on me at home sometimes. Is that not being responsible? Tbh, when I have company and carry a handgun, its purpose is to allow me to get to my shotgun.

I have had only two guests get all sketchy on me about me carrying a gun in my own home. They were both told that this is how it works in my home and they are free to leave if they wish. After honest discussion, neither one left and both now own their own firearms.

May not be your choice, but it IS mine.
different strokes for different folks. My first line of defense is my dogs