Well-Known Member
Statistically you make yourself and others less safe when you drive your car.
guns kill more people than cars do, so think about the implications of that one, klanman.
Statistically you make yourself and others less safe when you drive your car.
nope, 75% of the gun stats are SUICIDES, and in those cases, people killed themselves. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/suicide.htmguns kill more people than cars do, so think about the implications of that one, klanman.
The tech is good. It has manual backup and can still be opened quickly.Anything that is battery operated will fail eventually. Of course failure only happens when you go to use the battery powered device.
The tech is good. It has manual backup and can still be opened quickly.
Our whole life revolves around electronics. I'm pretty confident in it.
I bow out now. No sense in arguing about it.
I know I'm safe and my gear works.
Nobody is telling you that you cant use the safety devices that you are comfortable with. What people are asking is that they are not forced to use similar devices and/or be limited in the types of defense they can use.
As pointed out, about 100 people die in car accidents for every accidental death due to a gun. I find that level of risk acceptable for the balancing freedom of self protection.
Ruger has some good stuff, the first pistol that I found to be accurate was a mark 1 bull barrel. The 10-22 is a fun gun and can be made accurate. The LCR, LCP and LC9s are fine for use with a CCL. while I have a mini 14 I like my ARs better.I'm neither right or left. You are in fact hard left. We are fifth in the world for mass shootings per capita and even lower in per capita homicide.
You cherry pick stats. That is shady.
You are ignorant when it comes to guns. It OK. I'm not calling you stupid.
The truth is that pistols are a bigger problem. Most criminals prefer something they can conceal.
View attachment 3559290
See. Ignorant about guns. They are in fact the same guns. The grips. Ohhhh. Soooo scary.
nope, 75% of the gun stats are SUICIDES, and in those cases, people killed themselves. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/suicide.htm
You can't blame the gun for a suicide any more than you can blame the spoon for making Jessica so fat.
Traffic Accidents kill 32000 people a year. http://www.iihs.org/iihs/topics/t/general-statistics/fatalityfacts/state-by-state-overview
gun accidents kill less than 300 people each year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_States#Accidental_gun_injuries
Refuting your arguments is really easy, Andrew. Such a Loser with a itsy bitsy tiny penis not only cannot find any evidence that will verify any of his claims, he can't even begin to argue it without resorting to false claims and even more bullshit.
This is the bastardized logic used by the nanny staters.
Ruger has some good stuff, the first pistol that I found to be accurate was a mark 1 bull barrel. The 10-22 is a fun gun and can be made accurate. The LCR, LCP and LC9s are fine for use with a CCL. while I have a mini 14 I like my ARs better.
guns kill more people than cars do, so think about the implications of that one, klanman.
Governments have murdered more people than non government entities.
Family argument, 4 dead.....http://www.sfgate.com/news/crime/ar...dy-after-shooting-death-of-man-in-6731345.php
Cars are an example of healthy risk taking. The risk is low and the benefit is high.Statistically you make yourself and others less safe when you drive your car.
You can get a Driver license in less than 30 minutes even when you aren't a legal adult.
I never see anyone claiming that the car is what is causing all the highway deaths. 32,000+ people died in 2014 because of those damn cars.
If we got rid of all the cars we could save so many people!!!
How many cars are used to commit suicide?
Is it 75% of the statistic?
Family argument, 4 dead.....http://www.sfgate.com/news/crime/ar...dy-after-shooting-death-of-man-in-6731345.php
The guns "harming the owner" line again...Cars are an example of healthy risk taking. The risk is low and the benefit is high.
Guns mostly harm the owner and those closest to them. People are safer when their guns are locked away. When guns are carried or kept in unsafe storage, people take a very small additional risk for practically zero benefit. Its unhealthy risk taking.
You are safer if you don't own a gun.
citation needed.
try to make it better than your racial segregation stuff too.
The guns "harming the owner" line again...
I've never had a gun decide to shoot me, what gives?
You mean if people have a gun they're more likely to commit suicide with a gun?
Because its quicker and (in theory) less painful?
Groundbreaking hypothesis, I don't know why noone else thought of it.