Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

Well, since you want to resort to complete stupidity to support your argument, I'll play along. The same could be said of an unpurchased gun. What you obviously leave out is that absent a useful firearm, any weapon brought to be used against you, will be. Leaving you in the position of bringing your toothbrush or pillow to a gunfight.

Maybe you can dazzle an assailant with your eloquence or maybe you're like most libs and prefer to (unsuccessfully) beg for you and your family's lives. Maybe you've got a head full of bad wiring and can't see the obvious. Maybe you should worry about yourself and get the fuck out of other people's business.

I knew you were dumb but wasn`t sure.

I`m prepared for un-purchased and any weapon as best I can, I`m not prepared for what happens when my guns are ready to shoot and left for opportunity for anyone. How many times do you get to be dead dude ?

Now Timing and placement,

I know how long anyone takes to get to mine, I have them safely placed where I can access them in time as well. My ready will take a few seconds, the guy downstairs has to find and them make operational my locked and useless guns, and will take minutes to hours to gain upper edge.

Your guy will pick one up on the way to you in no time at your disadvantage, because of your placement.

Time and placement..........
completely fabricated and skewed statistics.


you've been down that path before, remember?

I knew you were dumb but wasn`t sure.

I`m prepared for un-purchased and any weapon as best I can, I`m not prepared for what happens when my guns are ready to shoot and left for opportunity for anyone. How many times do you get to be dead dude ?

Now Timing and placement,

I know how long anyone takes to get to mine, I have them safely placed where I can access them in time as well. My ready will take a few seconds, the guy downstairs has to find and them make operational my locked and useless guns, and will take minutes to hours to gain upper edge.

Your guy will pick one up on the way to you in no time at your disadvantage, because of your placement.

Time and placement..........

Your entire argument requires an assailant to enter your home UNARMED and need to acquire YOUR gun. It requires you to be given enough time to unlock, load...whatever, what you yourself describe as a useless firearm.

Unless you live in a palace built like a maze, how long does it take for a motivated home invader to get from your front door/back door/window to where your family congregates? One to two seconds? Maybe you plan on asking them to hold on a minute while you excuse yourself to arm up?

I would argue that if your weapon isn't positioned to be used in less than a second, you might as well rely on your couch cushion as your first line of defense.
How does my argument require I get ready when I clearly stated that my ready will take seconds and a bad guy breaking in or my uncles friend has to find and ready ?

Clear that up first to see how dumb what you replied is.

Now I`ll read the rest dummy...............
Your entire argument requires an assailant to enter your home UNARMED and need to acquire YOUR gun. It requires you to be given enough time to unlock, load...whatever, what you yourself describe as a useless firearm.

Unless you live in a palace built like a maze, how long does it take for a motivated home invader to get from your front door/back door/window to where your family congregates? One to two seconds? Maybe you plan on asking them to hold on a minute while you excuse yourself to arm up?

I would argue that if your weapon isn't positioned to be used in less than a second, you might as well rely on your couch cushion as your first line of defense.

I don`t live on a battlefield and in case being my home, car or on a boat at sea, If I know where it is and you don`t, I retain the upper hand always.
At your home, you must always have the advantage over trespassers, thieves, rapists and cops.

I shower and have sex at home often so I can be pre occupied, why do I need to keep worrying about danger left lying about ?
Well, now you've hit the nail on the head that these other chuckleheads haven't touched on yet. Early exposure to and competent training of firearm usage and safety is key. If they can hold them and fire them with regularity, you eliminate the curiosity and ignorance that result in most accidental gun-related fatalities of children. If it holds no more mystery to them than the dishwasher, they're not going to be interested in it until it's time to use it.
My kids have been exposed to guns and even cleaning deer. I was exposed at a young age. A pellet gun at 6-8 and I got my first gun at 10. A single shot 20 gauge. I still have it and prefer to hunt with it over my more expensive guns.

You are right. It is a requirement here to take and pass a hunters safety course before you can buy a license to hunt.

It is several day course and then a whole day at the range before they will pass you.
My kids have been exposed to guns and even cleaning deer. I was exposed at a young age. A pellet gun at 6-8 and I got my first gun at 10. A single shot 20 gauge. I still have it and prefer to hunt with it over my more expensive guns.

You are right. It is a requirement here to take and pass a hunters safety course before you can buy a license to hunt.

It is several day course and then a whole day at the range before they will pass you.

Really? Here in Cali, it's an 8 hour class with no range time at all.
Your entire argument requires an assailant to enter your home UNARMED and need to acquire YOUR gun. It requires you to be given enough time to unlock, load...whatever, what you yourself describe as a useless firearm.

Unless you live in a palace built like a maze, how long does it take for a motivated home invader to get from your front door/back door/window to where your family congregates? One to two seconds? Maybe you plan on asking them to hold on a minute while you excuse yourself to arm up?

I would argue that if your weapon isn't positioned to be used in less than a second, you might as well rely on your couch cushion as your first line of defense.
Mine is on me at home. There is a steel lock box bolted down that a simple wave of my hand opens it. It requires you to wear a bracket. It has biometric and combination backup.

I can be in it and ready in a second or two.

I have motion sensor alarms. I will be ready before someone gets to me or my family.

Anyone arguing that you need a gun out needs to look at the tech out for gun safes.

There is no reason to leave one out when the proper lock box does not add time to arm yourself.
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Again. Liberal horseshit based on completely fabricated and skewed statistics.
Nope, not horseshit, liberal or otherwise. It is true that gun ownership on average makes a person less safe. You have difficulty with the truth. You are basically saying that the truth has a liberal bias. Yes, I'm laughing at you.

loco you are.

Regarding training and careful consideration of what situation, how and when to use a gun, I agree. These actions should tip the odds favorably towards gun safety. Then again, drugs, alcohol and unjustified confidence can overcome training.

I'm not saying people shouldn't own guns. The statistics also say that guns are pretty safe, considering how many guns are out there. I'm just saying that accidents do happen and they happen more often than guns are used to defend or protect. So lock those guns up and get the necessary training.
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all the training a professional cop gets and still ....

what actually happens if you are sitting around toking and a crazy guy pulls out a gun and starts screaming for everyone to get down so you pull your concealed carry and kill him? You may be alive but you're still going to be guilty of murder until proven innocent. Yeah ... scream "self defense" as loud as you can. LOL


does the "life saving" scenario in your head match reality?
how often do your "expectations" match "reality"?
Mine is on me at home. There is a steel lock box bolted down that a simple wave of my hand opens it. It requires you to wear a bracket. It has biometric and combination backup.

I can be in it and ready in a second or two.

I have motion sensor alarms. I will be ready before someone gets to me or my family.

Anyone arguing that you need a gun out needs to look at the tech out for gun safes.

There is no reason to leave one out when the proper lock box does not add time to arm yourself.
Anything that is battery operated will fail eventually. Of course failure only happens when you go to use the battery powered device.
You carry and make yourself and those around you less safe. There is a lot of information that confirms this. That said, this issue is driven by a hysterical press and coincidentally, gun sales go up when gun control measures are discussed in the same press. I have no issue when a well trained and careful person carries but statistics say he is making himself and others less safe. Just not enough to worry about.
Statistically you make yourself and others less safe when you drive your car.

You can get a Driver license in less than 30 minutes even when you aren't a legal adult.

I never see anyone claiming that the car is what is causing all the highway deaths. 32,000+ people died in 2014 because of those damn cars.

If we got rid of all the cars we could save so many people!!!

How many cars are used to commit suicide?
Is it 75% of the statistic?