Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

We went to war [and killed however many people] because we were pissed off and lustful for revenge - Democrats and Republicans! - not because we all suddenly transformed into Hitler loving neo-Nazi racists. lol

i corrected your wrong facts above.

you are racist.
I also don't mind debating people when they spew distortions of reality and esp "you're a racist!" kind of shit every time I make a point that doesn't set well with their view. And I really don't mind - almost enjoy - ramming that shit down their throats when they persist.

why do you rail against social justice?

you realize that puts you in the ranks of the white nationalists over at stormfront, right?

do you dispute that?
Dude, I'm pro gun. Even so called "assault weapons. .

You spinning your wheels.

Be responsible and don't leave guns laying around.

Its cool. I get it. I guess you reckon that the likelihood that you will be attacked is so great you need weapons laying in multiple places.

Why is that.

You are taking this as a personal attack. Its not. Its about responsible guns ownership.

Its a fact that unlocked guns are responsible for a lot of injuries and death.
Should I lock up my knives? They are sharp and just "laying around". Should I put my car in a locked vault too? After all cars kill way more people per year than guns do, shouldn't they be under lock and key so no one steals them and gets injured? What about my pointed tools or heavy hammers, shouldn't they also be locked up at all times? Hammers and other blunt objects kill people ALL THE TIME!!

Someone could enter your home at any time, most likely a small child will walk in , grab your knife off the counter and slit his own neck by accident, just because you didn't put them in a vault.

WHat kind of subhuman are you to let children kill themselves with your implements of sharp pointy death. You sir are a merchant of death, mostly of little children!!

You should be ashamed to come here and espouse your ideas that your locked home should be able to keep small children out. Everyone knows that children just slip through the cracks, locked doors don't affect them!! Moron!!
Should I lock up my knives? They are sharp and just "laying around". Should I put my car in a locked vault too? After all cars kill way more people per year than guns do, shouldn't they be under lock and key so no one steals them and gets injured? What about my pointed tools or heavy hammers, shouldn't they also be locked up at all times? Hammers and other blunt objects kill people ALL THE TIME!!

Someone could enter your home at any time, most likely a small child will walk in , grab your knife off the counter and slit his own neck by accident, just because you didn't put them in a vault.

WHat kind of subhuman are you to let children kill themselves with your implements of sharp pointy death. You sir are a merchant of death, mostly of little children!!

You should be ashamed to come here and espouse your ideas that your locked home should be able to keep small children out. Everyone knows that children just slip through the cracks, locked doors don't affect them!! Moron!!
Now your just being a jack ass. Lock your guns up.
Now your just being a jack ass. Lock your guns up.

Sorry, he destroyed your argument. A locked up gun is useless. A firearm purchased for self defense should be loaded and accessible to EVERY member of the family. No trigger guard, the only precaution needed is not having a round in the pipe. If your child is old enough to chamber a round, they should have unrestricted access to the weapon.
Sorry, he destroyed your argument. A locked up gun is useless. A firearm purchased for self defense should be loaded and accessible to EVERY member of the family. No trigger guard, the only precaution needed is not having a round in the pipe. If your child is old enough to chamber a round, they should have unrestricted access to the weapon.
Maybe a gun in a lock box that everyone has access to. Don't leave guns laying around.

He didn't destroy my argument. I can do the same.

You put child safety things on cabinets and outlets to keep a child from drinking cleaning chemicals and sticking stuff in outlets.
Maybe a gun in a lock box that everyone has access to. Don't leave guns laying around.

He didn't destroy my argument. I can do the same.

You put child safety things on cabinets and outlets to keep a child from drinking cleaning chemicals and sticking stuff in outlets.

I agree with the lockbox as long as everyone in the family has the ability to open it quickly.

Fair point on the cabinet safety locks. However, immediate access to a cleaning chemical isn't a requirement to its usefulness.
Should I lock up my knives? They are sharp and just "laying around". Should I put my car in a locked vault too? After all cars kill way more people per year than guns do, shouldn't they be under lock and key so no one steals them and gets injured? What about my pointed tools or heavy hammers, shouldn't they also be locked up at all times? Hammers and other blunt objects kill people ALL THE TIME!!

Someone could enter your home at any time, most likely a small child will walk in , grab your knife off the counter and slit his own neck by accident, just because you didn't put them in a vault.

WHat kind of subhuman are you to let children kill themselves with your implements of sharp pointy death. You sir are a merchant of death, mostly of little children!!

You should be ashamed to come here and espouse your ideas that your locked home should be able to keep small children out. Everyone knows that children just slip through the cracks, locked doors don't affect them!! Moron!!

A gun is a stand-off weapon, you are a fool, combine the two and you get gun kill statistics.

That is the most ridiculous shit I read this week. Speaking of weak, leaving your guns to anyone anytime, with or against you weakens your ability.
A kid will shoot a gun and not care where it is pointed, then say he didn`t do it or sorry,...but then it`s too late.

A locked up gun is useless, and that`s a good thing because locking it up means you don`t need to worry about it coming back to bite you.

It`s all about time and place, which you will never understand.

Of all the things you have listed above as grounds for your argument, only the gun will make me go for cover, that`s how stupid what you said and compared is. Now we can conclude why you leave your guns ...."laying around"
A gun is a stand-off weapon, you are a fool, combine the two and you get gun kill statistics.

That is the most ridiculous shit I read this week. Speaking of weak, leaving your guns to anyone anytime, with or against you weakens your ability.
A kid will shoot a gun and not care where it is pointed, then say he didn`t do it or sorry,...but then it`s too late.

A locked up gun is useless, and that`s a good thing because locking it up means you don`t need to worry about it coming back to bite you.

It`s all about time and place, which you will never understand.

Of all the things you have listed above as grounds for your argument, only the gun will make me go for cover, that`s how stupid what you said and compared is. Now we can conclude why you leave your guns ...."laying around"

There is so much abject stupidity in this post, it deserves the liberal badge of honor.
There is so much abject stupidity in this post, it deserves the liberal badge of honor.

So much so you could not list it.

You made the second most uniformed and stupid post I read all week. You have limited knowledge of firearms and it shows.

I back up what I say with explanations you yell a name and point,...

There is not one legitimate reason to leave a gun, let alone leave it unattended and loaded.
Sorry, he destroyed your argument. A locked up gun is useless. A firearm purchased for self defense should be loaded and accessible to EVERY member of the family. No trigger guard, the only precaution needed is not having a round in the pipe. If your child is old enough to chamber a round, they should have unrestricted access to the weapon.
Nonsense, @NoDrama exaggerated the risk of knives to the point of ridiculous and beat the drum for unsafe gun ownership. Its a fact that for most gun owners, their guns make them less safe. A gun accidentally discharges and harms the owner, or those close to them, 4-5 times for every time it is used to protect or defend. Those that own guns are much safer if their guns are locked up with the ammo in a separate location.
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Nonsense, @NoDrama exaggerated the risk of knives to the point of ridiculous and beat the drum for unsafe gun ownership. Its a fact that for most gun owners, their guns make them less safe. A gun accidentally discharges and harms the owner, or those close to them, 4-5 times for every time it is used to protect or defend. Those that own guns are much safer if their guns are locked up with the ammo in a separate location.
Lol, gotta lock them up lest they get pissed off and decide to shoot someone.
Your explanations were the stuff of ignorant fantasy, peppered with liberal horseshit.

No need to list them individually, nothing you stated was remotely true.

"A locked up gun is useless, and that's a good thing"

One need not delve any further into the addled brain of a liberal nincompoop to exclude them from a sensible debate. Some might call you a complete idiot, I wouldn't because that would be rude, despite its accuracy.

My useless gun cannot be used against me, Is not true or correct ? That`s how stupid you seem to be or actually are.

It`s not about Liberal, again if you knew anything at all, ....it`s about timing and placement.

So you know, being shot with your own gun ,...is as stupid as it gets.
I agree with the lockbox as long as everyone in the family has the ability to open it quickly.

Fair point on the cabinet safety locks. However, immediate access to a cleaning chemical isn't a requirement to its usefulness.
I can remember when I was a kid. I don't remember what age but it was after I started hunting I had access to the guns in the house. I was taught if someone broke in to shoot them.

It was after I went through a hunters safety course. It was also after I demonstrated that I was safe and competent with a fire arm.

I'm not arguing against his point of people in the family having access. I'm just saying use common sense approach.
Nonsense, @NoDrama exaggerated the risk of knives to the point of ridiculous and beat the drum for unsafe gun ownership. Its a fact that for most gun owners, their guns make them less safe. A gun accidentally discharges and harms the owner, or those close to them, 4-5 times for every time it is used to protect or defend. Those that own guns are much safer if their guns are locked up with the ammo in a separate location.

Again. Liberal horseshit based on completely fabricated and skewed statistics.
My useless gun cannot be used against me, Is not true or correct ? That`s how stupid you seem to be or actually are.

It`s not about Liberal, again if you knew anything at all, ....it`s about timing and placement.

So you know, being shot with your own gun ,...is as stupid as it gets.

Well, since you want to resort to complete stupidity to support your argument, I'll play along. The same could be said of an unpurchased gun. What you obviously leave out is that absent a useful firearm, any weapon brought to be used against you, will be. Leaving you in the position of bringing your toothbrush or pillow to a gunfight.

Maybe you can dazzle an assailant with your eloquence or maybe you're like most libs and prefer to (unsuccessfully) beg for you and your family's lives. Maybe you've got a head full of bad wiring and can't see the obvious. Maybe you should worry about yourself and get the fuck out of other people's business.
I can remember when I was a kid. I don't remember what age but it was after I started hunting I had access to the guns in the house. I was taught if someone broke in to shoot them.

It was after I went through a hunters safety course. It was also after I demonstrated that I was safe and competent with a fire arm.

I'm not arguing against his point of people in the family having access. I'm just saying use common sense approach.

Well, now you've hit the nail on the head that these other chuckleheads haven't touched on yet. Early exposure to and competent training of firearm usage and safety is key. If they can hold them and fire them with regularity, you eliminate the curiosity and ignorance that result in most accidental gun-related fatalities of children. If it holds no more mystery to them than the dishwasher, they're not going to be interested in it until it's time to use it.