Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

you lie about everything

tell us again about how we should all be big enough to just move on and not attempt to force someone into serving us, because we won't get good service and most likely they spat in our cake. Or worse.

and then tell us how you are totally not opposed to civil rights.
I also keep a loaded mossberg 500 above the mantle and a loaded S&W .38 special under my mattress.
Why do you feel making up lies will help your argument?
I was just yanking your chain. But really, those guns that you leave in cars, above the mantle and under the mattress should be locked up. They are a bigger hazard to you an yours than you think.

If you want, you can claim they aren't lying around. But I'd call leaving guns in cars, above the mantle and under the mattress just that. So knock off the bit about lies and such.

When you own a gun and especially when it isn't properly locked up it makes you less safe.
Bump firing with a belt and a stick (so ya don't break your finger) is not inherently dangerous. Wasteful, imo, yes. But not dangerous.
It's dangerous if you do it and the fucker tries to run away from you...

Big round, heavy rifle (relatively speaking) and the weird position you hold it at can be dangerous if you're no expecting so much kick.
I was just yanking your chain. But really, those guns that you leave in cars, above the mantle and under the mattress should be locked up. They are a bigger hazard to you an yours than you think.

If you want, you can claim they aren't lying around. But I'd call leaving guns in cars, above the mantle and under the mattress just that. So knock off the bit about lies and such.

When you own a gun and especially when it isn't properly locked up it makes you less safe.
The gun might get pissed off and decide to discharge itself randomly.

Especially those assault rifles, theyre especially quick to anger.
so why do you condemn muslims for killing innocent people, but you don't have a word to say when a born again christian president who thinks that god talks to him sends a bunch of white christian males to go kill half a million innocent muslim civilians?

and what made you so racist?

did you walk in to a black guy fucking your boyfriend or something?
haha! That's rich!

k - you asked for it! lol

First off, I kind of remember Bush standing on a pile of smoking rubble yelling through a bullhorn to a bunch of bone-weary firemen, "... the people that knocked these buildings down will hear from ALL of us, soon!!" And nearly everyone in America, even liberals, cheered! We as a nation then went about killing hundreds of thousands of people because we were pissed off - not because we all had suddenly turned racist. lol

The nation was pissed from getting stung by Muslim hornets in increasing frequency and severity over the decades culminating in 3000+ innocent peeps on 9/11. Incidents such as the blowing up of the marine barracks in Lebanon, the Iranian hostages, the Cole bombing, the embassy bombings in Africa, WTC version 1.0, as well as screaming statements of death to America on the nightly news for a decade or two were making

After 9/11, everyone was screaming for revenge. Americans were like, "fuck those motherfuckers!". It was like some Pearl Harbor to both libs and conservatives. We were strangely united on one thing - revenge! :shock:

Now, Bush may have had some kind of ulterior motives there. Who the fuck knows? The important thing to this discussion is, we were nearly ALL in favor of going to war and killing lots and lots of these people. And although this probably can't register in a 21st-century liberal "brain", the national sentiment to "kill those motherfuckers" had absolutely nothing to with race and everything to do with vengeful rage.

Maybe I'll surprise a little now. I understand WHY the jihad. I know the history. I think I understand, in a fundamental sense, why the hornets are stirred to madness. I'm not ignorant of the Balfour Agreement or the US/post-war zionist's role in the creation of the Israeli state. And I understand decades of American arrogance and blatant "ungodliness" and in your face American shit... etc. And there's always huge quantities of oil money. lol Then there's billionaire sheiks and dictators and tyrants (both of their choosing AND OURS) absconding with bookoo oil revenues so the rest can languish in poverty. So, maybe I might understand more than you give me credit. [but maybe not... :shock:)

I also think that I have a decent understanding of the actions, character, and writings of Mohamad. And I know how wonderfully all these resentments and hatreds and desires for revenge dovetail quite smoothly with a literal fundamental Quranic interpretation AND ARE ACTIVELY BEING USED TO THAT END! Not only do they fit, they're almost tailor made for providing just what people need to justify their revenge against the infidels and accomplish their grand vision - a world run by Allah's people. Kinda like the Christian and Jew vision of Jehovah God or Jesus ruling like a king over the entire earth - only jihadists take their holy book's instructions very seriously, just as some Christians and Jews with violent intent do.

But NONE of that hinders me in any way from demanding that our State Department check these bees out VERY carefully from now on and not just be a bunch of politically correct, bureaucratic fools. I'm well aware of the goals of the jihadists. They publically declare them all the time. They're on zillions of websites and youtube videos. So given those demonstrated goals plus the history of their desire and ability to carry them through, I fail to understand how one can view the call for extra prudence concerning the immigration (and overstaying of temporary visas, then disappearing into the woodwork) of people from hot spot regions of the world that have repeatedly informed us of their hate for us, threatened us with random assassinations of American citizens, and have stated they would consider it their duty before their god to saw our fucking heads off for Allah, IS IN ANY WAY RACIST [except maybe to myopic nitwit liberals]. And when we're talking followers of a murdering 7th-century Meccan-Median caravan bandit that obviously suffered from hallucinations and delusions of grandeur from some brain anomaly, it makes prudence even more sane and necessary - regardless of the WHYs lurking behind the causal labyrinth.

[and no - I'm not a Trump supporter - and I know full well that I always be "a racist" to idiot libs regardless. But I wear it as badge of honor, considering the loopy sources]
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haha! That's rich!

k - you asked for it! lol

First off, I kind of remember Bush standing on a pile of smoking rubble yelling through a bullhorn to a bunch of bone-weary firemen, "... the people that knocked these buildings down will hear from ALL of us, soon!!" And nearly everyone in America, even liberals, cheered! We as a nation then went about killing hundreds of thousands of people because we were pissed off - not because we all had suddenly turned racist. lol

The nation was pissed from getting stung by Muslim hornets in increasing frequency and severity over the decades culminating in 3000+ innocent peeps on 9/11. Incidents such as the blowing up of the marine barracks in Lebanon, the Iranian hostages, the Cole bombing, the embassy bombings in Africa, WTC version 1.0, as well as screaming statements of death to America on the nightly news for a decade or two were making

After 9/11, everyone was screaming for revenge. Americans were like, "fuck those motherfuckers!". It was like some Pearl Harbor to both libs and conservatives. We were strangely united on one thing - revenge! :shock:

Now, Bush may have had some kind of ulterior motives there. Who the fuck knows? The important thing to this discussion is, we were nearly ALL in favor of going to war and killing lots and lots of these people. And although this probably can't register in a 21st-century liberal "brain", the national sentiment to "kill those motherfuckers" had absolutely nothing to with race and everything to do with vengeful rage.

Maybe I'll surprise a little now. I understand WHY the jihad. I know the history. I think I understand, in a fundamental sense, why the hornets are stirred to madness. I'm not ignorant of the Balfour Agreement or the US/post-war zionist's role in the creation of the Israeli state. And I understand decades of American arrogance and blatant "ungodliness" and in your face American shit... etc. And huge quantities of oil money. lol I understand having billionaire sheiks and dictators and tyrants of their choosing (AND OURS) absconding with boocoo oil revenues and letting the people to suffer from poverty. So, maybe I might understand more than you give me credit. [and maybe not :shock:)

I also think that I have a decent understanding of the actions, character, and writings of Mohamad. And I lnow how wonderfully all these resentments and hatreds and desires for revenge dovetail quite smoothly with a literal fundamental Quranic interpretation AND ARE ACTIVELY BEING USED TO THAT END! Not only do they fit, they're almost tailor made for providing just what people need to justify their revenge against the infidels and accomplish their grand vision - a world run by Allah's people. Kinda like the Christian and Jew vision of Jehovah God or Jesus ruling like a king over the entire earth - only jihadists take their holy book's instructions very seriously, just as some Christians and Jews with violent intent do.

But NONE of that hinders me in any way from demanding that our State Department check these bees out VERY carefully from now on and not just be a bunch of politically correct, bureaucratic fools. I'm well aware of the goals of the jihadists. They publically declare them all the time. They're on zillions of websites and youtube videos. So given those demonstrated goals plus the history of their desire and ability to carry them through, I really do not see how one can think that being desiring extra prudence concerning Muslims entering this country or overstaying temporary visas and disappearing into the woodwork is in any way racist. And when they are followers of a murdering 7th-century Meccan-Median caravan bandit that obviously suffered from hallucinations and delusions of grandeur, it makes prudence, even more necessary - regardless of the WHYs lurking behind the causal labyrinth.
Technically, the Iraq and Afghan wars killed millions, not thousands...

Keep it up tho, with 6x more effort you could bypass Hitler.
Technically, the Iraq and Afghan wars killed millions, not thousands...

Keep it up tho, with 6x more effort you could bypass Hitler.
I thought I was using Uncle Buck's numbers? Hmmmm... But regardless, I'm not arguing that the US didn't kill a lot of people. Read what I said. The premise of my response to Uncle Ben's charges remains valid. We went to war [and killed however many people] because we were pissed off and lustful for revenge - Democrats and Republicans! - not because we all suddenly transformed into Hitler loving neo-Nazi racists. lol

We had to wait a couple years before hurling "you're a racist" in response to nearly every critical statement or action of the Left's policies and/or Islam's atrocities would come into liberal goof-speak. And it came to increasingly dominate their strategic responses ad nausea. In fact, the term has been so overused, misused, and watered down into obscurity to where it's become merely an easy shit-hurling tool when there's either no facts to support a defense, or the would-be defender is just a lazy or ignorant fuck..
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I thought I was using Uncle Buck's numbers? Hmmmm... But regardless, I'm not arguing that we didn't kill a lot of people. Read what I said. The premise of my response to Uncle Ben's charges remains valid. We went to war [and killed however many people] because we were pissed off and lustful for revenge, not because we suddenly all transformed into Hitler loving neo-Nazi racists. lol

We had to wait a couple years before hurling "you're a racist" in response to nearly every critical statement or action of the Left and/or Islam would come into liberal vogue. And it came into vogue to the point of chronic nausea. The term has been so overused, misused, and watered down into obscurity to where it's become merely an easy shit-hurling tool when there's either no facts to support a defense, or the would-be defender is just a lazy fuck..
Don't mind Drew, he's a natural born liar.
Don't mind Drew, he's a natural born liar.
I don't mind discussing and maybe criticizing (and possibly adopting if proven true) anyone's view or criticism.

In fact, I profit from engaging people and have been persuaded to change my mind on various things many times over the years. I know I'm as fallible as everyone else - just another schmuck with a view. No problem.

But I also don't mind debating people when they spew distortions of reality and esp "you're a racist!" kind of shit every time I make a point that doesn't set well with their view. And I really don't mind - almost enjoy - ramming that shit down their throats when they persist.
If a person is sound of mind enough to own a semi-AK (which they can bump fire with an ordinary trouser belt, dangerous but doable) why not let them have a full auto one?

Are they more likely to kill someone if the fire selector goes an extra notch?

I don't get your point here

but no!

There are things I would like to say here - but discretion being the key ,,, I won't
Is there a law against breaking into homes?
If there is a law against it then it won't happen and I don't have to worry, Right?
I mean all we need to do to stop people from getting killed with guns is to make it illegal to kill people with them right?
Dude, I'm pro gun. Even so called "assault weapons. .

You spinning your wheels.

Be responsible and don't leave guns laying around.

Its cool. I get it. I guess you reckon that the likelihood that you will be attacked is so great you need weapons laying in multiple places.

Why is that.

You are taking this as a personal attack. Its not. Its about responsible guns ownership.

Its a fact that unlocked guns are responsible for a lot of injuries and death.
haha! That's rich!

k - you asked for it! lol

First off, I kind of remember Bush standing on a pile of smoking rubble yelling through a bullhorn to a bunch of bone-weary firemen, "... the people that knocked these buildings down will hear from ALL of us, soon!!" And nearly everyone in America, even liberals, cheered! We as a nation then went about killing hundreds of thousands of people because we were pissed off - not because we all had suddenly turned racist. lol

The nation was pissed from getting stung by Muslim hornets in increasing frequency and severity over the decades culminating in 3000+ innocent peeps on 9/11. Incidents such as the blowing up of the marine barracks in Lebanon, the Iranian hostages, the Cole bombing, the embassy bombings in Africa, WTC version 1.0, as well as screaming statements of death to America on the nightly news for a decade or two were making

After 9/11, everyone was screaming for revenge. Americans were like, "fuck those motherfuckers!". It was like some Pearl Harbor to both libs and conservatives. We were strangely united on one thing - revenge! :shock:

Now, Bush may have had some kind of ulterior motives there. Who the fuck knows? The important thing to this discussion is, we were nearly ALL in favor of going to war and killing lots and lots of these people. And although this probably can't register in a 21st-century liberal "brain", the national sentiment to "kill those motherfuckers" had absolutely nothing to with race and everything to do with vengeful rage.

Maybe I'll surprise a little now. I understand WHY the jihad. I know the history. I think I understand, in a fundamental sense, why the hornets are stirred to madness. I'm not ignorant of the Balfour Agreement or the US/post-war zionist's role in the creation of the Israeli state. And I understand decades of American arrogance and blatant "ungodliness" and in your face American shit... etc. And there's always huge quantities of oil money. lol Then there's billionaire sheiks and dictators and tyrants (both of their choosing AND OURS) absconding with bookoo oil revenues so the rest can languish in poverty. So, maybe I might understand more than you give me credit. [but maybe not... :shock:)

I also think that I have a decent understanding of the actions, character, and writings of Mohamad. And I know how wonderfully all these resentments and hatreds and desires for revenge dovetail quite smoothly with a literal fundamental Quranic interpretation AND ARE ACTIVELY BEING USED TO THAT END! Not only do they fit, they're almost tailor made for providing just what people need to justify their revenge against the infidels and accomplish their grand vision - a world run by Allah's people. Kinda like the Christian and Jew vision of Jehovah God or Jesus ruling like a king over the entire earth - only jihadists take their holy book's instructions very seriously, just as some Christians and Jews with violent intent do.

But NONE of that hinders me in any way from demanding that our State Department check these bees out VERY carefully from now on and not just be a bunch of politically correct, bureaucratic fools. I'm well aware of the goals of the jihadists. They publically declare them all the time. They're on zillions of websites and youtube videos. So given those demonstrated goals plus the history of their desire and ability to carry them through, I fail to understand how one can view the call for extra prudence concerning the immigration (and overstaying of temporary visas, then disappearing into the woodwork) of people from hot spot regions of the world that have repeatedly informed us of their hate for us, threatened us with random assassinations of American citizens, and have stated they would consider it their duty before their god to saw our fucking heads off for Allah, IS IN ANY WAY RACIST [except maybe to myopic nitwit liberals]. And when we're talking followers of a murdering 7th-century Meccan-Median caravan bandit that obviously suffered from hallucinations and delusions of grandeur from some brain anomaly, it makes prudence even more sane and necessary - regardless of the WHYs lurking behind the causal labyrinth.

[and no - I'm not a Trump supporter - and I know full well that I always be "a racist" to idiot libs regardless. But I wear it as badge of honor, considering the loopy sources]

oh, you're one of those racists who thinks he is smart. that's sad. you are not.

considering how much you rail against "social justice" and "political correctness" though, you have more in common with the stormfrotn retards than anyone else.

also, you are incredibly wrong about wanting to go to war with iraq.


December 17, 2002

72% of respondents, including 60% of Republicans, said the president has not provided enough evidence to justify starting a war with Iraq.