Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

Naw. It is enough that I have educated you here so that in the future, when you try to hang gun free zones on Bush the elder, your ignorance will be replaced with fraud.

Must be fun to live in a world where you're correct all the time no matter how incorrect you are. You can try to try to revise history all you want, but everyone here knows who the fraud is.
Must be fun to live in a world where you're correct all the time no matter how incorrect you are. You can try to try to revise history all you want, but everyone here knows who the fraud is.
That's right. They can read that from the very beginning of our "discussion" my story didn't change and is verifiable via reality...while your's unravels and you are not big enough to admit it. At least I know now that everything you say needs to go through a filter sporting new carbon. <--for the benefit of Cheese...that's s grow joke. :cool:
That's right. They can read that from the very beginning of our "discussion" my story didn't change and is verifiable via reality...while your's unravels and you are not big enough to admit it. At least I know now that everything you say needs to go through a filter sporting new carbon. <--for the benefit of Cheese...that's s grow joke. :cool:
Just cos he doesnt grow doesn't mean he's not an expert grower.

Ponder that for a while.
I know nothing about growing. I have never grown marijuana now or before.
Maybe one day when it is legal in my State to do so I will try
You seem to know very little about politics or history either so I wonder what keeps bringing you back...much less, how you came here in the first place. Was the link mentioned in the Troll newsletter?
You seem to know very little about politics or history either so I wonder what keeps bringing you back...much less, how you came here in the first place. Was the link mentioned in the Troll newsletter?
Are page views down so much the site has to invent sock puppets,
Are page views down so much the site has to invent sock puppets,
Funny, this sock puppet comes complete with a grow room...something the troll lacks.

Edit: If you think the politics section is any kind of view count generator here you flatter that section. Its a snake pit and 99% there are the same 10 people
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Funny, this sock puppet comes complete with a grow room...something the troll lacks.

Edit: If you think the politics section is any kind of view count generator here you flatter that section. Its a snake pit and 99% there are the same 10 people
Happy You can grow.
But no one can be as stupid as you in real life
Happy You can grow.
But no one can be as stupid as you in real life
An example would be nice. Here you were not smart enough to even back the right horse. Instead your back-patting probably gave him incentive to continue digging his lie-hole and flapping his pie-hole.
The reasonable expectation of safety and security supersedes your right to bear arms, that's the presidents number one job. I hate to break it to you.
Umm no, the purpose of government is to protect the rights of man, not coddle him and provide a safe haven for him.
You undermine your own point with your atrocious math skills. Education is the key.
Nope, I am just rounding the numbers. 75% of 30,000 is 22,500, but rounding it to 20,000 is perfectly fine, because either way your gun death statistics are very minor compared to many many other preventable ways of dying. For some reason certain people have a defect in their brain that causes them to think inanimate objects can be personified as evil or bad. Hence these mental defects think guns are bad, MMkay? Guns aren't bad, people are bad.
That's right. They can read that from the very beginning of our "discussion" my story didn't change and is verifiable via reality...while your's unravels and you are not big enough to admit it. At least I know now that everything you say needs to go through a filter sporting new carbon. <--for the benefit of Cheese...that's s grow joke. :cool:

My story changed? Okay how did it change from what I originally said? Or are you going to point out supporting facts like the restriction of firearms on military bases a "change of story." Did you mean me citing the fact that President Bush issued an executive order in 1989 to ban the importation of semi-automatic assault rifles because of the school shooting in Stockton, CA was done with a variant of an AK-47 (Type 56)? Because that's a supporting argument also. It's okay if you don't know what supporting arguments are, but go on and tell me that's what you're talking about so we can figure out how delusional you are.
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Easy killer. The picture is horrible, I'm not familiar with these guns, and some of them looked like bolt action.

I much prefer the AR platform for semi-auto, and when it comes to bolt action, I'm a fan of Sako, AI and Barrett. -- Yes I know, there are plenty of other bolt actions that may likely be better, like a Shillen barrell on a McMillan stock and a Surgeon bolt -- but I'm not just into accuracy at bench rest, I'm into sexy and rugged.

Anyway, side note, the new Ruger Precision 308 is dynamite at its current price point.
The picture was perfectly fine, you just don't know that much about guns. For example you call the Ruger a benchrest rifle, when it most certainly is not. Benchrest rifles aren't shot from the shoulder, so they never have adjustable stocks since they will be shot from a REST and not by a person holding it. That Ruger also doesn't have the correct forearm for a benchrest either. Perhaps you are confused at the terminology and mistakenly believed all high precision rifles with great accuracy were just termed benchrest. I don't know. At $1,600 new for that Ruger you could just buy a $800 Savage 110 or Remington 700, work up some handloads and be just as accurate as the Ruger.

The AR-15 platform is not rugged. Fairly easy to make them jam up and stop firing. Made of aluminum, not steel. They work great as long as they are maintained regularly and aren't used as prybars or bats like you could do with a M1 Garand or Mauser 98.
My story changed? Okay how did it change from what I originally said? Or are you going to point out supporting facts like the restriction of firearms on military bases a "change of story." Did you mean me citing the fact that President Bush issued an executive order in 1989 to ban the importation of semi-automatic assault rifles because of the school shooting in Stockton, CA was done with a variant of an AK-47 (Type 56)? Because that's a supporting argument also. It's okay if you don't know what supporting arguments are, but go on and tell me that's what you're talking about so we can figure out how delusional you are.
"We"? You have a gerbil in your pocket or just cheese? Lol

"Supporting evidence"? So your lie about GFZs does not stand on its own so you have to cloud things with topics I never commented on? Is that a secret liberal diversionary tactic. Lol.

And lastly and again
You know I don't care about the facade you are trying to fool those not really paying attention with. Its enough to know you know that I know. Pbbbbt!
"We"? You have a gerbil in your pocket or just cheese? Lol

"Supporting evidence"? So your lie about GFZs does not stand on its own so you have to cloud things with topics I never commented on? Is that a secret liberal diversionary tactic. Lol.

And lastly and again
You know I don't care about the facade you are trying to fool those not really paying attention with. Its enough to know you know that I know. Pbbbbt!

So you don't know what supporting facts are, that's what you thought changing the story was. Hahahaha, oh that's hilarious. Now it makes sense why it's like trying to discuss something complicated with a child. Also you might want to clean up that last sentence you keep repeating like "I know you are but what am I?"
So you don't know what supporting facts are, that's what you thought changing the story was. Hahahaha, oh that's hilarious. Now it makes sense why it's like trying to discuss something complicated with a child. Also you might want to clean up that last sentence you keep repeating like "I know you are but what am I?"
It is complicated? Lol. Naww.

"I know you are" a fraud and your continued arm-flailing is pathetic and "hilarious" at the same time. With you knowing I am right, it looks like it is really eating at you. Lol. "The truth will set you free"
It is complicated? Lol. Naww.

"I know you are" a fraud and your continued arm-flailing is pathetic and "hilarious" at the same time. With you knowing I am right, it looks like it is really eating at you. Lol. "The truth will set you free"

Lol you don't even know what a supporting argument is which is really funny, and that's pathetic. Your little name calling though is pretty funny, because it seems like you're the one struggling to smear what I said but you can't provide anything beyond "You're a fraud."
The picture was perfectly fine, you just don't know that much about guns. For example you call the Ruger a benchrest rifle, when it most certainly is not. Benchrest rifles aren't shot from the shoulder, so they never have adjustable stocks since they will be shot from a REST and not by a person holding it. That Ruger also doesn't have the correct forearm for a benchrest either. Perhaps you are confused at the terminology and mistakenly believed all high precision rifles with great accuracy were just termed benchrest. I don't know. At $1,600 new for that Ruger you could just buy a $800 Savage 110 or Remington 700, work up some handloads and be just as accurate as the Ruger.

The AR-15 platform is not rugged. Fairly easy to make them jam up and stop firing. Made of aluminum, not steel. They work great as long as they are maintained regularly and aren't used as prybars or bats like you could do with a M1 Garand or Mauser 98.

Easy there killer. I know you love to argue about stupid shit, but lets relax here for a moment.

No, the picture isn't all that clear, at least not from the browser I'm viewing it in. Many of those look like bolt actions.
No, I never said ALL Ruger's are bench rest rifles. You made that up. So the next few lines are arguing nothing.

Not all bench rest rifles are highly accurate, I agree. Again, never said ALL bench rest rifles were highly accurate. You made that up.

I can get that Ruger Precision Rifle, (that's the name it was given, not my description of it), for less than $1200. I would actually debate that both the Savage 110 and the Rem 700 (depending on who manufactured the barrel) will consistently be more accurate than the Ruger "Precision" Rifle. - Why do I think this? Because my Savage is more consistent than my buddy's Ruger. And I've put over 200 rounds of each down range on both.

I won't argue that AR is less rugged than the Garand, Mauser, Nagant and various others of the like. Those were built with endurance and durability in mind, and not looks as todays ARs are built for. - So that I agree. I will go on to say that several of my ARs took at least 2-300 rounds fired through them before all the "kinks" were worked out. Some fired consistently right off the bat, and have fired flawlessly. But some don't. That's the product of mass producing shit and not quality assuring it. I blame the manufacturer not the platform for that.

Next time try not to be so confrontational in your comments, its no wonder people have a hard time maintaining a good conversation with you.