hey liberal fatties...u scared yet?

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jeff f

New Member
"the facts according to everybody"?

how do you explain 61% of americans oppose repelaing health care reform? how do you explain the popular support for everything in the health care bill, but not the bill itself? how do you explain the popularity of a public option?

you really need to think about how you qualify your statements. i would say the seniors who just got their first round of checks to cover the gap in medicare would say the presidents policies are working. i would say the 26 year olds who get to stay insured would say the same. i would say the 93% of american people who got MORE MONEY back in taxes this year would say the presiden't policies are working. 93%. look it up!

and WSJ barely balances fox news. it is no wonder you have such a case of confirmation bias and a propensity to cite false or misleading stats.

oh wow, here is a real dumbass. since your so much smarter, and cant take time expalining how you can make my life better, what other oppression do you think we should document in medical records? maybe folks who smoke too much? maybe someone prone to sickle cell, or high blood pressure? wow, sounds like the government is gonna take care of everything.

how you gonna pay for that? you do know that was put on a credit card? are you fucking seriously contemplating that we can continue this for infinity? wow, major dummy


Active Member
"the facts according to everybody"?

how do you explain 61% of americans oppose repelaing health care reform? how do you explain the popular support for everything in the health care bill, but not the bill itself? how do you explain the popularity of a public option?

you really need to think about how you qualify your statements. i would say the seniors who just got their first round of checks to cover the gap in medicare would say the presidents policies are working. i would say the 26 year olds who get to stay insured would say the same. i would say the 93% of american people who got MORE MONEY back in taxes this year would say the presiden't policies are working. 93%. look it up!

and WSJ barely balances fox news. it is no wonder you have such a case of confirmation bias and a propensity to cite false or misleading stats.

and where did you get this information?

60% sounds more like the number that DID NOT want the healthcare shit passed in the first placed (written as is)

so if a majority didnt want it passed how exactly could a majority not want it taken away?

did you guys know, IN THE HEALTH CARE BILL \, they added in a little somethin somethin that says buy 2012, all gold and silver coin purchases over 600$ will be REQUIRED to notify the federal government

now why exactly is this in a health care bill?

they are just throwing shit wherever they want it now

there is no denying that congress passes things that the american people dont stand for

people just keep watching their american idol and going about their meaningless same old day in day out lives and dont ever look at anything


Well-Known Member
and where did you get this information?

60% sounds more like the number that DID NOT want the healthcare shit passed in the first placed (written as is)

it was a recent bloomberg news poll. only 37% favor repeal. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/15/health-care-repeal-oppose_n_648031.html

as far as the jeff f's assertion that i am a 'fat, idiot liberal, dumbass, major dummy, and sheep'...i do not intend to return fire. it would be too easy. it would be an insult to insults.

what i woud like to know is....

#1 - why do you think you are exempt from board rules for posting here?
#2 - why do you think including bmi on a medical chart is akin to the pogroms?

as someone whose people are prone to tay-sach's, i would certainly want my health professional to know this information before forming an educated opinion on any diagnosis for me OR my children.

jeff f

New Member
it was a recent bloomberg news poll. only 37% favor repeal. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/15/health-care-repeal-oppose_n_648031.html

as far as the jeff f's assertion that i am a 'fat, idiot liberal, dumbass, major dummy, and sheep'...i do not intend to return fire. it would be too easy. it would be an insult to insults.

what i woud like to know is....

#1 - why do you think you are exempt from board rules for posting here?
#2 - why do you think including bmi on a medical chart is akin to the pogroms?

as someone whose people are prone to tay-sach's, i would certainly want my health professional to know this information before forming an educated opinion on any diagnosis for me OR my children.
you didnt even read the article did you? your just spewing bs. typical lib.

the bill says its for security reasons. they need to know how fat you are because you might cause a "security risk". if that doesnt scare the shit out of you, your completely bonkers.

i wasnt calling you fat. my references to negros, and jews etc. was to take you back to a time we were told that "they" were the problem. now its fat peoples fault, and its smokers fault, and its BP's fault, its everybodies fault so uncle sam should take it over.

(road sign) meat grinder ahead....procede with caution but move quickly...

and your jewish and this still doesnt scare ya? may God have mercy on our souls.


Well-Known Member
you didnt even read the article did you? your just spewing bs. typical lib.

the bill says its for security reasons. they need to know how fat you are because you might cause a "security risk". if that doesnt scare the shit out of you, your completely bonkers.

i wasnt calling you fat. my references to negros, and jews etc. was to take you back to a time we were told that "they" were the problem. now its fat peoples fault, and its smokers fault, and its BP's fault, its everybodies fault so uncle sam should take it over.

(road sign) meat grinder ahead....procede with caution but move quickly...

and your jewish and this still doesnt scare ya? may God have mercy on our souls.
no worries, i didn't think you were calling me fat (although i wouldn't blame you given the unclebuck name) and thank you for toning things down.

so yeah, not only did i read the article, i also re-read it. i did not see any reference to including bmi index as part of monitoring security risks. i could be too stoned though, please point out where in the bill (or even the article) it says this.


Active Member
It blows my mind they are trying pass the individual mandate off as a tax instead of calling it what it is; a requirement by government for simply being in this country. I just hope the people that will get elected in November to undo this nightmare have the balls to do it instead of getting up there and punking out like they did in 94 with the Department of Education.


Well-Known Member
so why is big brother making a necessary condition for health records. you fat idiot liberals dont even realize what is happening to you.

YOUR FUCKING FAT, and the administration wants to let you know YOUR FUCKING FAT. even if you have something else going on like lets say oh, i dont know, letsw just call it FUCKING GENETICS, we just want to take care of you for "security reasons". hey fatass, your the next NEGRO. your the next JEW. your the next SPIC. your the next INSERT EXTREMELY RACIST STERIO TYPE.

sheep go baaaa over and over and over again. as they walk over the cliff.........
Damn bro, you have seriously gone off the deep end...

Genetics huh...? lol

Ur just "big boned" are ya jeff?

Put down the cheeseburger man... It's just a little self control!


Well-Known Member
reform is one thing, control is another.
i dont eat a single "healthy" thing and im skinny. guess im just lucky, for now anyway.


wow, are you guys serious? you really think the government is just out to get you huh? you really think they're trying to control you and take away your freedom...i'm tired of all this liberal/conservative bullshit. i'm expecting to hear some hateful responses to this but i really don't care. so let me hear it. what exactly do you think democrats are trying to do?
as bob said.
"Babylon system is the vampire."


Well-Known Member
What they are currently doing is having your BMI included in your health records.

What they will do in the future is have higher premium costs for people who are overweight and/or may deny coverage...
Where have you been the last decade?

That's what's happening now.

jeff f

New Member
Damn bro, you have seriously gone off the deep end...

Genetics huh...? lol

Ur just "big boned" are ya jeff?

Put down the cheeseburger man... It's just a little self control!
wow, truly one of the most condescending replies i have ever seen.

hey your highness, are you saying you know NOBODY who has a weight problem from genetics? seriously? do you stay so fucking stoned and locked in your bedroom at your parents house that you know zero fat kids?

i dont have a problem with my weight padadick. but i know lots of kids who were/are bullied because of their weight. now we get to legally label them as "the problem" with health expenses.

thank you liberals for your "tolerance" of other human beings who dont want to be like you,act like you or look like you.


Well-Known Member
wow, truly one of the most condescending replies i have ever seen.

hey your highness, are you saying you know NOBODY who has a weight problem from genetics? seriously? do you stay so fucking stoned and locked in your bedroom at your parents house that you know zero fat kids?

i dont have a problem with my weight padadick. but i know lots of kids who were/are bullied because of their weight. now we get to legally label them as "the problem" with health expenses.

thank you liberals for your "tolerance" of other human beings who dont want to be like you,act like you or look like you.
Not sure you know what condescending means then...

Hate to break it to ya bud, but the majority of fat people are fat because they eat terrible shit and don't get any exercise, especially Americans. I could go find a statistic, but I'd bet my own hard earned money genetics plays a roll in less than 10% of cases.

I have little sympathy for fat people, relatives included. There's always a way to change it if you want to bad enough.

And only you could get "they want to legally label them as the problem" from measuring and jotting down the damn BMI in people suffering from diseases attributed to weight gain... Just a bit of a stretch...

/tinfoil hat


Well-Known Member
how do you explain the popular support for everything in the health care bill, but not the bill itself?
hahahahaha! Dont try to talk logic with this guy, clearly Faux News has it right!



Well-Known Member
oh i dont know, what do you think they are gonna do with the 160,000 extra irs agents they hired to enforce the health care? dont worry fatty, we are here to help you.


do yourself a favor and look up national healthcare and see where it originated, and its purpose. give ya a clue, lenin then hitler...two really nice totalitarians.

while your at it read up on the nice new friendly health czar berwick. real nice guy that only wants to take whats yours and give it to the "less fortunate". his words not mine.
so why is big brother making a necessary condition for health records. you fat idiot liberals dont even realize what is happening to you.

YOUR FUCKING FAT, and the administration wants to let you know YOUR FUCKING FAT. even if you have something else going on like lets say oh, i dont know, letsw just call it FUCKING GENETICS, we just want to take care of you for "security reasons". hey fatass, your the next NEGRO. your the next JEW. your the next SPIC. your the next INSERT EXTREMELY RACIST STERIO TYPE.

sheep go baaaa over and over and over again. as they walk over the cliff.........
oh wow, here is a real dumbass. since your so much smarter, and cant take time expalining how you can make my life better, what other oppression do you think we should document in medical records? maybe folks who smoke too much? maybe someone prone to sickle cell, or high blood pressure? wow, sounds like the government is gonna take care of everything.

how you gonna pay for that? you do know that was put on a credit card? are you fucking seriously contemplating that we can continue this for infinity? wow, major dummy

i got this far and stopped. i should just ban you. :roll:

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