hey im new my plant is 7 ft tall and not flowering yet

hey this is my first grow and its outside in a green house with 1 single feminized himalayan gold , she is just under 7 feet tall and isn't in flowering cycle yet due to sun light hours
growing in england so any out door growers will be able to tell me , im growing in soil is she flowering or beging to in our current light hours ? ive read that at 14-20 inches they double in size during flowering , mines currently 80 inches tall :wall: and touching the roof of the green house , i may be mistaken about light hours but i thought that late august early september should be harvest time ? or could it be later ?
s c o t t y


hi scotty.
sorry but i cbf googling to find out exactly where you pommys are in your season but fyi cannabis plants are forced to flower as the days shorten, which as we transition from summer into autumn. But i do know alot of UK growing is particular to the region as u guys can get very wet and short seasons.
better off hitting up UK growers thread for specific info


Well-Known Member
you should force flower it man, to cut the risk of mold.
im in the uk, and thats what i always do. the reason fot his is because of our sdaylight hours. if you left it to go by itself. it most likely wont be finished till the end of october, which is risking it a bit.

what you want to do is.
get a cupboard or a box
put the plant in complete darkness from 8:00pm to 8:00am everyday till the plant has finished flowering, its alota work, but it hella worth it

get up ay 8:00am everyday and put it back in the grrenhouse in the sunlight. so it should be getting round about 12 hrs light - 12 hrs darkness
you may have to bring the time back to 7:30pm - 7:30 am as the days get shorter towards the end of the flowering, but that wont be till end of august september.

get on to the force flowering man. you dont want any mold or anything to fuck up your buds because of he frost or shitty weather we have here.

peace bro


Well-Known Member
It could double in hieght during flowering. You will have to top about 2 feet off that girl now or start training it or get it outside.
I'm also doing an outdoor grow in Southern England and some of my plants are getting to the size where i want them to start flowering too. They won't be flowering yet as we've got over 15hours of light per day atm. If its 7 foot then you should definitely start it flowering! I reckon with our general lack of good long sunlight hours it will take a little longer to get a good yield.... Lots of people recommend leaving it in darkness for 36 hours on transition from Veg to Flower to help it along, perhaps try that too? Mines a guerilla grow which makes it even more of a bitch to try and start shortening their hours of light!


Well-Known Member
im in the uk and i can tell you from experience that they will be finished around the end of october.....if the frost doesnt get them first!
your gonna need some heating in that greenhouse from the end of september as just 1 night in the cold is gonna cause mould! i too had a 7 footer and the yeild would of been probably 6-8 oz ....then mr frost got it, caused the buds to mould, and i salvaged less than 4g smokeable! so keep on top of mr frost.....to be honest though weve had a decent year so i think the real frost wont hit us til end of dec this year...but i may b wrong! so get out ya hallogens ready :) ....and be prepared for a serious monster yeild!.....oh...and a lot of stench! so pray your neighbours either hav no idea what weed is...or can keep there mouths shut!


The 36 hours works. I'm and indoor grower and it makes flowers appear up to two weeks sooner. I was doing hydro tho. I switched to soil and I don't know if it will have the same affect.