Hey having issues in Chicago looking for help!


Active Member
Here's the situation. My wife is a chronic pain patient. Her so-called doctor's are refusing to continue prescribing her pain medications because she tested positive for marijuana. Is that the policy in Cali? If we move there will she run into the same problems or are things different? Thanks in advance for your input.


Active Member
Well I'm talking about like neurologists, rheumatologists, pain clinics etc. and I don't know about insurance I'd have to get a new job out there and whatever insurance they have is what I'd get. Do you know if this has been a problem for chronic pain patients out there?


Well-Known Member
Some doctors are OK, others will refer you to another doc. Some insurance companies demand drug treatment before any other treatment if you test positive for illegal drugs. Some docs are MMJ friendly but have their hands tied by the insurance co or the hospital they work for. Others don't care one way or another. I had a doc refuse treatment because I use MJ. When I realized what was happening I changed my story and said that I am in process of quitting. He was OK after that, and said that the insurance co demanded drug treatment if I was a current user but it was cool if I was a former or currently quitting user.

It depends on the doctor and the insurance co. There is no black and white answer. Like much in the MMJ landscape the laws surrounding all this are foggy.


Well-Known Member
Why would a doctor be testing for marijuana to begin with? I've had blood tests, urine tests etc over the years either when I've been sick or just part of a thorough checkup. Never been checked for mj. Don't see why they would.


Active Member
Wow this is really fucked up man. I'm at a loss right now of what to do. My wife is so sick and without her pain meds we are really gonna be screwed.

Thanks for the info, I was hoping things would be less murky in Cali. I think it might be possible out here to find the right doctor or pain clinic but I just don't know. I have to work constantly to support us and she can't really do things on her own. It's all very traumatic. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Maybe tell them that she tried MJ for pain at the suggestion of a friend but it didn't work. Might help explain away the positive test.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Maybe tell them that she tried MJ for pain at the suggestion of a friend but it didn't work. Might help explain away the positive test.

Good luck!
This is what I was thinking. I would say that the pain was so intense that she tried MJ. I am sure that the side effects of whatever she was prescribed are far worse than MJ. ;) Good luck!


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend has gone through the same thing. She has severe crohn's disease. Trying a different doctor is quick, easy attempt to remedy problem. The way I have understood it also, is that certain hospitals and health systems nationwide won't recognize marijuana as medicinal and refuse to treat the patient. That is all political shit. The doctors cannot go against the machine.

Good Luck. Stick with your meds, no matter what you decide.


Well-Known Member
definitely not like that here in LA. Pain meds and MJ are easily accessible and I have never heard of this happening to anyone. I also used to live in ILL, and now live in LA. I go back and visit the Chi every year tho.