hey guyz i was wondering why do i need a tds meter

i'm kinda on the jacks RO thing now for 2 years maybe? and i feed super light: like 0.7 ec. but i'm on drain to waste now so maybe i should try it again and see how it does vs recirculating
I mix about 30 gallons of feed a week.
Its quicker to just pour out what I need from two jugs and give a quick stir than weighing out 3 different dry nutrients(PArt A, Epsom, and CalNit) and waiting for part A to dissolve before adding part B. I keep my 25lb bags of Jacks in 5 gallon buckets with screw top lids, so even the act of pulling those out and unscrewing them takes more time than just quickly pouring out of a 1 gallon jug of concentrate that doesnt need to be dissolved.
Same, but that's because I use Blumats now. I mix 15 gallons at a time, but I was going using more than double that when I was running drain to waste using much larger pots. I mix it in a res though, so the amount doesn't really change much for me. I used to mix in a bunch of 5 gallon buckets and added all kinds of stuff, so that took forever.
Thinking back I did use syringes early on. I'm pretty sure I stopped when I started buying 5 gallon jugs of Canna Coco AB. I should have filled smaller bottles to work with, but for whatever reason that never crossed my mind.
Floranova bloom is almost worth its weight in water, if only you didn't have to shake it for 5+ minutes everytime, lol. Best most easy going grows I've grown/seen was nothing but bloom all the way through, minus a sore arm.

I hope you guys are wearing masks when you mix jacks part A so often. I'm more scared of breathing that dust than catching the coof. No heavy metals but still not good for your lungs.

I shouldn't even have to explain why the little calnit balls that f%^&ing go everywhere should also be mixed up once every few months, haha.

Rather just mix up 1 gallon concentrated jugs that last for a grip.

Nothing wrong with mixing by volume after so much experience.

Instead of smaller syringes though, maybe you could just use one of those dual measuring bottles (like canna zyme comes in):

Talking about syringes/pipettes.. a little off topic but I have a super custom AeroNFT project i'm working on (gluing fittings & clear pvc sheet directly to vinyl fence post sleeves, all non interference butt joints basically), and need to lay down thin beads of PVC glue between the parts.

I know they have needle tip squeeze tubes made specifically for solvents, but wondering if I can quickly use one of my pipettes or industrial syringes to suck up the glue without melting it (or the rubber seals inside). Can't see any warning not to use solvents or anything..

I guess i'll just suck some up and see what happens. Sacrifice an old syringe. I think a pipette might melt for some reason.

The whole job might take an hour and a few syringes, but I also don't want to create a toxic reaction where the glue doesn't set up right, and possibly leaches contaminants into the system from mixing with melted rubber.
i like the glass pipettes also. They're longer, and the paint doesn't rub off, but I do get the oral syringes from Walgreens for free.
I have a bunch of nice long glass pipettes from my dmt making days that I use for ph up and down now. I used to have a pipette dispenser too. I wonder what happened to that thing.

What's the ml per gallon of water at full strength?
Floranova bloom is almost worth its weight in water, if only you didn't have to shake it for 5+ minutes everytime, lol. Best most easy going grows I've grown/seen was nothing but bloom all the way through, minus a sore arm.

I hope you guys are wearing masks when you mix jacks part A so often. I'm more scared of breathing that dust than catching the coof. No heavy metals but still not good for your lungs.

I shouldn't even have to explain why the little calnit balls that f%^&ing go everywhere should also be mixed up once every few months, haha.

Rather just mix up 1 gallon concentrated jugs that last for a grip.

Nothing wrong with mixing by volume after so much experience.

Instead of smaller syringes though, maybe you could just use one of those dual measuring bottles (like canna zyme comes in):

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I don't really stir up dust when I mix. I have three small containers with two small beakers in each. One is for pouring and the other is for measuring. Part A is only 54 grams, and the movement is very contained. I also don't spill any calnit balls anymore, but they were kind of annoying at first.
I was thinking they would all be the same strength in concentrated form, but if you're watering them all down at the same ratio then it they would all be different. How much part A?
To clarify, I meant when you mix it in the res. Not when you're making the concentration.