Hey guys!


Hey guys i'm new to rollitup and i wanted to introduce myself.

I am gonna grow my own stuff because i found out what i've been buying is laced with glass!

The grow journals are awesome.


I heard that some growers throw crushed glass on the buds when they're growing to increase the weight. So i put it under a microscope and there ya go, glass. It looks very different from the THC crystals.


You might wanna read this man. It's why i'm gonna grow my own.


Your next purchase of bud from a dealar could land you six feet under. Shady dealers are sifting high quality bud to produce hash, then they add crushed glass to the previously sifted marijuana which was depleted of THC Crystals, to make it appear that all the THC is still intact. Even the most experienced eye, cannot distinguise the differnce of glass enriched weed without the use of a microscope.

Numerous respitory fatalities have been reported as well as permanent lung damage due to inhaling the finely crushed glass. If you start to cough up blood after toking up, keep a sample of your stash for lab testing to see if it was containemated with crushed glass, and go for medical help immediately.


Yeah but the most popular thing is walking around the grow room and sprinkling glass on the buds when they're half grown. The buds grow around the glass, encasing it so no one can tell it's there unless ya cut it open and shove it under a microscope.

BTW a magnifying glass aint enough to see it in the stuff i bought.