hey guys.....


Active Member
My first grow ever............

I have 4 - 4ft - 40wt cfls 6250k each
Whats the avg sprout time from when i put the seed in the soil to when they break the surface? And is this light system going to be alright?

Thanks for the help guys....I need it!

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Soak your seeds between wet paper towels for 2 days,plant 1/2" deep and put your tubes 2" above soil.
Should sprout in 2-3 days.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
ok this is for ME what i found to be best man. first i pick only the best seeds. line a matchbox with gritty sand paper. put the beans in there ans shake around vigously for 30 sec. or more. then i put the beans in a glass full of 6.0 water overnight. from there put them in whatever medium u use, in my case, soil. i then put under a humidadome or in a plastic bag, whatever u use to gain humidity, then put on a low heating pad and when i say low i mean a low temp, not to hot at all...in 2-3 days you will have complete success., oh and no light whatsoever until they sprout out. then i keep mine iside the humidome until well rooted but after it sprouts be sure o pop a hole or open the vents on the humiddome


Active Member
ok this is for ME what i found to be best man. first i pick only the best seeds. line a matchbox with gritty sand paper. put the beans in there ans shake around vigously for 30 sec. or more. then i put the beans in a glass full of 6.0 water overnight. from there put them in whatever medium u use, in my case, soil. i then put under a humidadome or in a plastic bag, whatever u use to gain humidity, then put on a low heating pad and when i say low i mean a low temp, not to hot at all...in 2-3 days you will have complete success., oh and no light whatsoever until they sprout out. then i keep mine iside the humidome until well rooted but after it sprouts be sure o pop a hole or open the vents on the humiddome

i do the same thing... drop em into a glass of water, and wait until they either sink on their own, or sink when you poke them... then do the paper towel method, wait for about 3/4 inch of root and its party time. :bigjoint: