Hey guys, newbie with a couple of questions.......


Well-Known Member
hey guys:weed:. im new to the whole growing thing, i have 9 Rocklock clones im attempting to grow. i have a 600 watt greenhouse digital ballast, a 600 watt cooltube w/super hortilux bulb, a 6'' h/o fan and a ton of time to learn all i can. in between setting up my grow, i've been reading post on the forum. this site is awesome! i've been learning tons. i have a couple of ?'s though.

1. how many plants can i grow in 5 gallon pots (soil) under a 600 watt light (cooltube).

2. can i use duct tape to tape the ducting/ventilation (a/c) tubing onto the side of the cool tube or is the light too hot? will it melt the duct tape?

3. i've read that its not good to flower more than one strain at a time, is that true or is that one of those growing myths (i notice ther's a lot out there). i have 10 chocolate dream seeds and 5 el monstre f2 freebies (f2?) that i would like to grow along with the Rocklock, if i could.......

4. i cant think of it right now but i'll think of it. I REMEMBERED! LOL...

WHATS GOING ON WITH MY LEAVES? some of them curl down, they're green, no yellowing at all. its not nut burn, i havnt feed them at all yet. its not spider mites, i checked for those. from what i read on the forum i was thinking maybe calcium deficiency because i've been using RO on them since they were in the cloner. let me know wat you guys think......

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Active Member
1. i'd say 4 comfortably

2. sure

3. i would vote myth on this one man, ive seen 3 grows with my own eyes that just blew my mind, and they were growing 3 or 4 different strains



Well-Known Member
1. You can fill an area as big as your light can cover, effectively. I 600 watt HPS is good for about 4' x 4'(max, IMO. I go 3' x 3'), so you can put as many in there as you want, 1 huge bushy one, or 16 smaller ones. The choice is your's. If I were you, I'd put all 9 in there, in a 3 x 3 pattern. The outer plants will be getting weaker light than the center ones, so make sure you rotate them periodically(at least every other day).

2. Yep, but the heat will make it come undone before it would, normally, so keep an eye on it.

3. Total myth. The only things that make it difficult, is that different strains get taller than others, take longer to mature, and require different feeding doses. You might get lucky and have strains that all are fine with the same nute mixes, but watch, because alot of times, there's big differences, strain to strain. One could be perfect, one could be deficient, and another is fertburned, even though they're all getting the exact same feeding routine. Just food for thought... :wink:

4. Um....yes? :razz:


New Member
get some hvac foil tape and i would go for 8 plants under a 600 watter
and for the nutes like MG make sure it doesnt have gibberic acid will cause foxtailing


Well-Known Member
awesome, thanks for the replies!

i was thinking of numbering the pots that way i can keep track of which one is where and rotate them daily. im also thinking i should get that hvac tape so i dont have to worry about the duct tape coming off, i assume its made to handle heat?

oh! i remembered my number 4 question:-P lol.......

4. WHATS GOING ON WITH MY LEAVES? some of them curl down, they're green, no yellowing at all. its not nut burn, i havnt feed them at all yet. its not spider mites, i checked for those. from what i read on the forum i was thinking maybe calcium deficiency because i've been using RO on them since they were in the cloner. let me know wat you guys think......

curl leaf 3.jpgcurl leaf 2.jpgcurled leaf 1.jpga


Active Member
looks like heat stress. how far is ur lamp from your plants? i keep my 600 atleast 3ft away from the top of the plant. or to a place you can keep your hand under for a couple mins. without it feel like your burning. hope this helps =D


Well-Known Member
i keep the 600w about 20 inches away, do you guys think thats too close?
Nah, that's about right. They're plenty big enough to handle full light, at this point. One tip....I see dry area around the outer edges of your pots. Bad. When you water, be sure to wet the entire medium, or your going to run into problems. Honestly though, I still haven't figured out what your problem is. Are you blasting them, with too much air, constantly?lol IDK man, but I do know those edges need watered, asap.