Hey guys new to Forum, I’m new to growing my plant has 5 leaves nothing more does anyone know if it’s a hybrid or Sativa my plant app says it’s sativa

I’m not saying you haven’t. My last response only meant if you are happy with what you are doing then keep doing it. I don’t understand why people are so defensive.
Maybe it's because of the way you come off. I already know that you like straight coco, you've only posted that sentiment around 100 times on this forum. Your post suggesting to not use perlite because rice hulls mixed in coco brought in some gnats is meaningless to the convo at hand, so yeah it comes off as a jab.
hm, you guys are even more in cocos then me.
i do use it since ages also, most grows had been done in it, used it the first time in early 2000s.
but you guys prob have used more cocos brands then me, i took some pauses in between growing wise.
would say its hard to compare by a forum post.
overall, my observation.
cocos bricks contains a lot fine particles, quite dense, can be overwatered.
cocos chips are way more airy.
i do love perlite, its complete neutral, airy, cheap, i only dont like the dust of it working with it dry.
would give cocos chips a try as substitute for perlite, if one is after some airy enviroment for the roots.
root development is fantastic in pure cocos chips btw, ive tested myself (while roots arent all...).
Maybe it's because of the way you come off. I already know that you like straight coco, you've only posted that sentiment around 100 times on this forum. Your post suggesting to not use perlite because rice hulls mixed in coco brought in some gnats is meaningless to the convo at hand, so yeah it comes off as a jab.
Gotcha. So easy to tell how a comment “comes off” on the internet. How exactly is that?

100 times? Bit of an exaggeration don’t you think?

Also the conversation at the time was regarding rice hulls not perlite. Not sure how you jumped ship there.
Gotcha. So easy to tell how a comment “comes off” on the internet. How exactly is that?

100 times? Bit of an exaggeration don’t you think?

Also the conversation at the time was regarding rice hulls not perlite. Not sure how you jumped ship there.
It's called perception.

I dunno, I haven't kept track, but yeah it seems like 100 times. I'm sure that we could check the records, but I'm not interested in such petty debates.

I had just posted this a few posts before you chimed in, hence the perlite ship:
I'm pretty sure that mine came in on rice hulls. I switched from perlite to rice hulls in my coco mix for a bit. The plants love it, but they don't love gnat infestations. I switched back to perlite, and haven't had any issues with the new plants.

Your comment was "Another reason to use straight coco", though it would have been more appropriate advice to say "A good reason not to use rice hulls". Question: have you compared straight coco vs coco/perlite in your own grow?
It's called perception.

I dunno, I haven't kept track, but yeah it seems like 100 times. I'm sure that we could check the records, but I'm not interested in such petty debates.

I had just posted this a few posts before you chimed in, hence the perlite ship:

Your comment was "Another reason to use straight coco", though it would have been more appropriate advice to say "A good reason not to use rice hulls". Question: have you compared straight coco vs coco/perlite in your own grow?
Perhaps you should check the records. Your “perception” is tainted. You’re not interested in such petty debates yet you want to throw out arbitrary numbers. Got it.

My comment was about straight coco yet you want to go back again to coco/perlite… Weird. Yes I’ve grown in both since you’re asking though.
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