Hey guys new to Forum, I’m new to growing my plant has 5 leaves nothing more does anyone know if it’s a hybrid or Sativa my plant app says it’s sativa

I had to use it every watering for awhile. Now I'm down to like every other watering. I use a little more than just a couple drops a gal though.
I'm on an automated watering system, and I put it in my res, so it was getting it with every watering. I was up to close to a ml/gal.
I'm on an automated watering system, and I put it in my res, so it was getting it with every watering. I was up to close to a ml/gal.

I add like 10 drops of the microbelift per 2L of water, every watering. Never did fuck all for the gnats. Citric acid sprays on top of the soil knocked them back to almost gone.
I'm pretty sure that mine came in on rice hulls. I switched from perlite to rice hulls in my coco mix for a bit. The plants love it, but they don't love gnat infestations. I switched back to perlite, and haven't had any issues with the new plants.
My hulls are par boiled, so mine should be clean. My mites came from some compost I added.
I use this
Damn, that brand costs 6x what I pay. I'll just stick with perlite, or par boil my own (whatever that means).
I had a battle with those bastards. But I used a bright yellow trap and sprayed flyers.
I won’t say their gone. Like bk said. He gets that occasional flyer and he sprays it. Pretty much same boat. Iv heard a layer of dry substrate on top of the media makes it more difficult for them to lay in the moist zone, but I’m afraid to do anything crazy, (idk if that would affect my ph) So I just keep a bright yellow lid with sticky traps on it. Piece of double sided yellow tape on my name tag in container. Used to collect hundreds. Now I only see 1 or 2 every now and again. I think I’m winning this war without chemical.
I had a battle with those bastards. But I used a bright yellow trap and sprayed flyers.
I won’t say their gone. Like bk said. He gets that occasional flyer and he sprays it. Pretty much same boat. Iv heard a layer of dry substrate on top of the media makes it more difficult for them to lay in the moist zone, but I’m afraid to do anything crazy, (idk if that would affect my ph) So I just keep a bright yellow lid with sticky traps on it. Piece of double sided yellow tape on my name tag in container. Used to collect hundreds. Now I only see 1 or 2 every now and again. I think I’m winning this war without chemical.
Microbe-Lift isn't a chemical. It's a bacteria.
havent had any out of control pest since long, unusual, cause it summer outside and gnats are loving the conditions in my area (lots moisture to find).
would account that to the nematodes.
saw 1 gnat a month ago, bought a small bag nematodes for a few dollar, havent seen one anymore.
i have a yellow sticky trap as control in the tent, since 2 or 3 grows, it havent catched one.
To each their own.
It's not like I haven't tried it both ways or anything over the course of more than 10 years growing cannabis in coco. I've done more than 6 cycles in straight coco. Done a lot more than that with coco/perlite, and with better results. The rice hull substitution for perlite was a new thing that I tried this year, and the gnats were the only negative effect really.
It's not like I haven't tried it both ways or anything over the course of more than 10 years growing cannabis in coco. I've done more than 6 cycles in straight coco. Done a lot more than that with coco/perlite, and with better results. The rice hull substitution for perlite was a new thing that I tried this year, and the gnats were the only negative effect really.
I’m not saying you haven’t. My last response only meant if you are happy with what you are doing then keep doing it. I don’t understand why people are so defensive.