Hey guys ! need advice on my first set up !


Well-Known Member
fisrt of all awesome forum you have here !

i finally moved out, got my own place... however am somewhat limited as people come over to "help" with home projects..

i figure the ideal set up would be to start in the basement as it is going into the winter time, but the above reason makes it not do-able

i have large out coves out side of my upstairs bed rooms
that i plan on block foam insulating and have a 8-10 plant set up
it is right next to the roof of my house so venting will be easy... but my question is will i need to add another heat source ? or will a 400 wat hps/mh light be enough heat ? 30 degree winter is expected in 2 months

also have seen alot about the LED set ups and i am considering that also because it is undetectable and low power...
would it be very obvious if i have a 400 watt light in my attic ? .. i just want to grow for personal needs...

what do you guys think i should do ?


Well-Known Member
We think if you buy an LED light to grow with we won't help you anymore.


Well-Known Member
We think if you buy an LED light to grow with we won't help you anymore.
do you speak from experience?

ok ok , fair enough... what about having a 400 watt light in attic ? as far as heat signature being sptted from a heli or what not ?


Well-Known Member
by 420weedman

do you speak from experience?

ok ok , fair enough... what about having a 400 watt light in attic ? as far as heat signature being sptted from a heli or what not ?

He's right Fella's, I'm caught red handed, I don't even know how to spell L.E.D. let alone have any experience with them.

Then he's going to try and scare me about getting busted by having one of those Thermo-nuclear HID lights that show up when the cops are flying over with their helicopter. They'll spot me miles away.

What till the next post where he expalins about the different light spectrums and how LED is so much better. You'll be convinced in no time.

If the word LUMEN gets brunged up look out I'll be proved wrong again.

If you afraid of getting busted then he's right, get an L.E.D light, and don't have to worry anymore.

You know why ? Because they don't put out enough light for your plants to even sprout let alone live so you are plenty safe. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Well-Known Member
ok ... i dont know why your typing all that stuff like i came to you and told you led is the shit ???????????
i came to YOU and am asking YOU,im not telling or convicining anyone to anything here .... just looking for advice ... hence the title of my thread...

all the vids on youtube where people do time lapse on led lights .. those plants are growing...... do they switch out the lights and turn the camera off ?

back to my questions ... do you think its reasonably undetectable with a 400 watt set up or what ?


Well-Known Member
Highly doubt you'll get busted from helicopters flying over, but maybe I'm just not paranoid enough, lol.

If you insulate well enough then 400w hps might just keep it cozy. You'll probably have to try it to find out for sure.

And btw, 8 or 10 plants for personal use? You must smoke a boat load more than I do, lol. :weed:


Well-Known Member
smoke weed every day !

ive never grown b 4 so i donno what 8-10 plants is gonna yield
either way my friends will surely help with any weed excess situation bongsmilie

... i dont understand the hate of led setups here.
it looks like they work, but yeild about half as much
but produce more grams per kwh


Well-Known Member
smoke weed every day !

ive never grown b 4 so i donno what 8-10 plants is gonna yield
either way my friends will surely help with any weed excess situation bongsmilie

... i dont understand the hate of led setups here.
it looks like they work, but yeild about half as much
but produce more grams per kwh
From 8-10 plants, you could get at least a pound, maybe a lot more . . .

Not sure what's behind the "outrage" over led setups, lol. :peace:


Well-Known Member
by 420weedman

... i dont understand the hate of led setups here.
Because we are a family here and hate to see anyone get ripped off. They don't work and are overpriced. Why not spend 80% less and get something works 200% more.

If you like LED's so much, I looked it up and I can buy the LED's and beat the UFO for $200, so send me $550 next time you want an underperforming light and I'll glue them to a fire detector case and we can both be happy.

The UFO's you are bragging about is just more cheap novelty stuff coming from China.

BS-11 90W LED Grow Light for hydroponics& horticulture Lighting(UFO LED lighting) Manufacturer exporting direct from China


Well-Known Member
Because we are a family here and hate to see anyone get ripped off. They don't work and are overpriced. Why not spend 80% less and get something works 200% more.

The UFO's you are bragging about is just more cheap novelty stuff coming from China.
im not in the biz of geting ripped off, and again .... when was i bragging exactly ? your wayyyyyyyyyyyy .. yyyyyy too defensive:wall:


Well-Known Member
I say we all smoke a bowl and forget the bitching ladies...

Join me the two of you?

PS:Welcome to RIU 420weedman (from another newbie.)


Well-Known Member
your wayyyyyyyyyyyy .. yyyyyy too defensive
Nope, not defensive at all, You are saying you like LED's so I well I offered to help design and build a far superior LED light than you already own. It's really too bad when someone tries to help you out and you have to get on their case about it. To make you feel better I will no longer build you a light.

It seems like day after day someone is jumping on here with 2 posts saying how LED grow lights work so well, or their friend has one and it blows the doors off of a 400 watt HPS, some of the new claims are even of keeping up with 600 watt HPS lights now. Seems like they are all the same people to me, when you post certain responses they cut and paste almost the exact same answers everytime. If someone wants to push their crap LED lights on everyone they should flat out advertise it instead trying to pretend they are using one with great success.



Well-Known Member
Nope, not defensive at all, You are saying you like LED's so I well I offered to help design and build a far superior LED light than you already own. It's really too bad when someone tries to help you out and you have to get on their case about it. To make you feel better I will no longer build you a light.
show me where i said i like LEDs ???, show me where i say i already own them ???

did you even read the title of my thread dude ?

all over the internet i see ads and videos pumping up LED, i came here to see what everyone thought and get some serious answers about it and you reply
" ill sell you a home made led for 500 blah blah blah :finger:"

what the hell kind of expertise is that ?
you got on to MY case because you think im promoting LED somehow, when in fact as stated in my title .. i was looking for advice, i dont know shit about LED.

i ased you if you spoke from experience on leds and you said ..

"He's right Fella's, I'm caught red handed, I don't even know how to spell L.E.D. let alone have any experience with them.

Then he's going to try and scare me about getting busted by having one of those Thermo-nuclear HID lights that show up when the cops are flying over with their helicopter. They'll spot me miles away.

What till the next post where he expalins about the different light spectrums and how LED is so much better. You'll be convinced in no time.

If the word LUMEN gets brunged up look out I'll be proved wrong again.
how about telling me your experience instead of flaming ?
how about "yes i or my friend got them tried it out, the plants grew slow , buds looked shity ... got no high off them" etc etc ..

"alex7575I say we all smoke a bowl and forget the bitching ladies...

Join me the two of you?

PS:Welcome to RIU 420weedman (from another newbie.) "

yes, lets !bongsmilie
*passes to la9*

....shhhhhhh no one tell him this is LED bud :-o

*EDIT* i just saw your edit ! finally an actual response... and no flaming !!!!!!! THANK YOU !!!


Active Member
you will learn that it seems around here LED is an anagram for really crappy lighting, not light emitting diode. I actually bought a couple 50 watt units for 20 bucks each at a police auction of stolen, etc goods. I personally use a 600w hps with no complaints, but I did put the LED's on the corners of my 7x3 room. I have no idea if they help, but they sure look cool!
that set up from htg will go a long way, one suggestion, get a reflector that has a glass cover and vent that thing and run the hot air outside or to attic or somewhere. Avoiding heat stress will go a long way when you total your yields.
Tough to beat HTG for all your supplies....I've dealt with "Tony" and he takes care of business.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
by 420weedman

how about telling me your experience instead of flaming ?
how about "yes i or my friend got them tried it out, the plants grew slow , buds looked shity ... got no high off them" etc etc ..

Look Fellas I done went and made him cranky.

I'll quit answering your questions if you calm down so we can have this place back to the respectable forum it is. Please respect others opinions and they might respect yours, Jeesh.


Well-Known Member
Look Fellas I done went and made him cranky.

I'll quit answering your questions if you calm down so we can have this place back to the respectable forum it is. Please respect others opinions and they might respect yours, Jeesh.

:lol: ROFL !!!, is your english translator broken ??

i passed you the bong .... smokem peace pipe ! how you gonna disrespect like thatbongsmilie??


Well-Known Member
fisrt of all awesome forum you have here !

i finally moved out, got my own place... however am somewhat limited as people come over to "help" with home projects..

i figure the ideal set up would be to start in the basement as it is going into the winter time, but the above reason makes it not do-able

i have large out coves out side of my upstairs bed rooms
that i plan on block foam insulating and have a 8-10 plant set up
it is right next to the roof of my house so venting will be easy... but my question is will i need to add another heat source ? or will a 400 wat hps/mh light be enough heat ? 30 degree winter is expected in 2 months

also have seen alot about the LED set ups and i am considering that also because it is undetectable and low power...
would it be very obvious if i have a 400 watt light in my attic ? .. i just want to grow for personal needs...

what do you guys think i should do ?

buy a dvd.:)