Hey guys, maybe someone has some suggestions for me?


Active Member
So I'm kind of stumped, having trouble getting a certain strain to clone. Here's the story, I grew a single pic n mix barney farm LSD, once it hit about 5 weeks in vegg I took a couple clones and threw her into flower. Well those clones died, wouldn't take root. So after I harvested her I put the remnants under my T5 and re-vegged for 4 weeks. I took clones from the re-vegged plants and it's been about 2 weeks now and no roots. I used a daisy cloner and also I put some under a dome on a heating mat, no roots......

I really love this strain and would hate to think I could never get her again unless I bought more beans. Any suggestions? Maybe something I didn't know? And secrets to getting roots from hard to clone strains? I've used clonex gel and rooting powder.

Never had trouble cloning anything else, just the bf LSD.

Help me RIU


I've never taken cuttings from a re-vegged plant, but read it can take up to 28 days. Just be patient mate, they should be fine.


Active Member
agreed. be patient and dont throw away your clones if they dont root in a few days. also, if your rooting gel/powder isnt working, try the water cloning method. it takes weeks but ive heard people having high success rates with it.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I tried "water cloning" because I was like, "no way that has to be the easiest way ever to clone"...well it isn't. Don't do it...you get powdery mildew...with low light, high heat, and really high humidity...so no bueno...here is the deal though...of the 3 clones I took 2 got powdery mildew and I flushed them down the toilet...one that was really big was fine, so I clipped it's leaf tips and dipped it in some rootone cloner I found in my in-laws garage...it looks like it is like 100 years old...worlds first rootone...anyway not the point..
So, then I took this clone that had been in water for only 4 days and I put it in a red solo cup with one jiffy pucks worth of coco coir, a handful of perlite, and the rest of the cup is Fox Farms Ocean Forest...and I poked my finger in the mix to make a hole, then I sprinkled the hole with a little old Rootone and stuck the little girl in, and then used a large ziploc as a humidity dome...this is a flowering clone...anyway next day roots...! What?! So either 100 year old rootone is magical, or the water thing followed with soil is the way to do it...all I know is I am trying to recreate the original process to see if it works again, and if it does I need to look up this rootone...


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I tried "water cloning" because I was like, "no way that has to be the easiest way ever to clone"...well it isn't. Don't do it...you get powdery mildew...with low light, high heat, and really high humidity...so no bueno...here is the deal though...of the 3 clones I took 2 got powdery mildew and I flushed them down the toilet...one that was really big was fine, so I clipped it's leaf tips and dipped it in some rootone cloner I found in my in-laws garage...it looks like it is like 100 years old...worlds first rootone...anyway not the point..
So, then I took this clone that had been in water for only 4 days and I put it in a red solo cup with one jiffy pucks worth of coco coir, a handful of perlite, and the rest of the cup is Fox Farms Ocean Forest...and I poked my finger in the mix to make a hole, then I sprinkled the hole with a little old Rootone and stuck the little girl in, and then used a large ziploc as a humidity dome...this is a flowering clone...anyway next day roots...! What?! So either 100 year old rootone is magical, or the water thing followed with soil is the way to do it...all I know is I am trying to recreate the original process to see if it works again, and if it does I need to look up this rootone...
I'm still like no way! Reading it now again after typing it...Life changing...


Well-Known Member
You revegged after harvest, not natural for a plant so it probably has issues, being too old is one of them and its flowered is another. It goes a bit retarded when revegged.


Active Member
True, it does, takes a while to get normal leaves.... I've taken clones from a revegg before without any problems.


normally I would say not to clone a re-vegged plant, but since you dont have many options, I will suggest an aero cloner. use cuttings that are no smaller than 3", no larger than 5-6".
pH your cloner water to 5.5, and keep your water temps between 65-70F.
you will get roots.
Aero cloning is the fastest, most effective cloning method I have used. roots in 10-14 days.
Cloners can be spendy, but after the initial investment, you only have to pay for water and cloning gel. cloning gel is optional. so long term its far more affordable and effective.
hope this helps.