Hey guys im new to this let me now what you think!!!!

ok so im new to rollitup and new to growing but i have some of nirvanas aurora indica in a dwc set up for 2 plants with 2 air stones and 2 air pumps under a 400w M/H for veg and then ill switch it to hps for flower im using fox farm nutes

so check out my ladys and let me know what you think all critisism welcome



Well-Known Member
lookin good to me. watch for N def in future. yr lower leaves look a little lighter than the new growth. if it progresses, u will know its N
Hey guys thanks for the comments and I did notice that the plant on the left if a little bit pale
what can I do to fix this I'm using ff grow big right now

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't fuck with it unless it starts getting worse. Looks like DWC agrees with ya! Looking really good!
Alright thanks jack and I forgot to mention the plant on the left I fimmed and it looks to have 5 main tops and the one on the right I'm low stress training


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome, I will be 4 weeks into my first grow this wed. Im using the ebb and flow system. do you have to seperate rooms for veg and flower?
No I wish I will when I get enough space but right now I'm just running a secret Jardin dr120 (I know it's a bit to big for my 400w but I will be upgrading to 1000 soon enough) anywho how's the ebb n flow working out for you I was offered one but the guys price was a little steep. I'm loving the dwc


Well-Known Member
So far so good with my little ebb. I am waiting on a month or 2 into flowering so I can see if they are to close together and blocking one another from the light. To me my trays or to small for a big plant. But I'm very new to this so I don't know for certain.


Active Member
Those roots are looking a little brown, whats your water temp looking like?

As for nutrients, make sure to run with the full line up. Grow big, tiger bloom and big bloom. (hope I got that last one right) Use there feeding chart. You will notice during different phases of growth they call for different combos to be used together. That should help with deficiencies.


Rebel From The North
What nutes you useing could be dyeing the roots! Water temp? And i see a n def. You need to up your n
Whats the ppm? And are you seeing a climb in you ph?
I'm using the fox farm line up going to the store to get the other two bottles today and my ph swings up every day so I lower it back down the Rez stays at about 70
Ok little updat went to hydro store today and got sensi a and b so I got the res cleaned out and got the new nutes in there ppm running about 420 ph at 6.0


Rebel From The North
420 not enough up it to about 700 there showing signs of needing more! You should set your ph at 5.6 and dont adjust
Till it hits 6.0 better to let your ph swing that to correct everyday thats called chasing! If it goes up that much in 24 hr
Theres another issue brewing like pathagens