hey guys i am new to growing and here so can i get a little help LOL!



  • here is my first attempt at an outdoor bag seed grow well my first grow of anykind all of these were planted within a couple days apart as they cracked they were started in a burpee organic starter tray and then transplanted into cups with burpee organic seed starter soil 0.06-0.03-0.03 they are arround a week and a half to two weeks old do they look ok they seem a little yellow to me do i need to add any thing? Thanks allot



hey Again i just looked at them and they are defiantly getting yellow :wall: you can't tell as good from the pics they look greener than they do in person Thanks guys :eyesmoke:


bud bootlegger
they look good to me m8..
in about a week or two, you can start feeding them a light dose of nutes.. about 1/4 of what it says on the bottle and slowly work you way up every week or so..
there fine, don't do anything, let them get nice and dry, then water with either tap that you let sit/aerate for 24hrs, or filtered water.
Do you have drain holes in the bottom of those cups?


bud bootlegger
if they're getting yellow, they could use a bit of nitrogen.. most veg nutes have a good amount of nitrogen in them.. the first number in the 10=10-10 or w/e is the amount of nitrogen ..


VICTORYGARDENSHYDRO yeah i put 4 holes in the bottom of each one and i've been using bottled water my tap water ia a well and its really hard, thanks
racerboy71 , what brand of nutes should i get cause if its something i have to order i need to go ahead and do it so it can get here , thanks alot for your help
Also will it kill them if they keep turning yellow for right now i am not going to do anything unless somebody that knows cause i sure don't says i should


Well-Known Member
Hey I am a novice and the conception of growing as an idea had only hit me this past week or so. I've had bag seeds for quite awhile and am looking to try my hand at growing. I'm hoping your first grow turns out well. Keep us posted :).


Thanks balactus I know the feeling i have started to grow a hundred times and always chickened out i should give you hope if i can do it cause if i can do it anybody can! I just hope i can LOL


Well-Known Member
they are fine. your mix has some nutes. next stop......6" pots, or whatever your next pot is. make sure your base mix is buffered with lime, has lots of perlite.............don't water or feed too much and you're off to the races. welcome to cannabis cultivation.


Thanks man good to be here i am not sure what i am going to put them in next i want to get them in 5 gal buckets but i would love to know their sex first so i don't waste so much dirt is that possible