Hey Guys, First Time Gardener


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I'm a first time gardener, or soon to be anyway.

I've got a bunch of questions, some of which I'm having trouble finding even on google.

I'm interested in setting up an organic vegetable garden. Carrots, tomatoes, onions, assorted peppers, etc. I found a website with approx. timelines for planting. Do I just follow that to a "t" (e.g. plant tomatoes, wait a month, plant a few more plants, wait a few months, etc???) Also are there edible plants that DONT go together? Maybe certain species that will be detrimental to another species health??

I'm planning on a container for my vegetable garden, I've got two perfect spots on both sides of my lanai. The problem is I believe they get a decent amount of shade, haven't logged how much light they get per day, but how much SHOULD the container get per day (of hot florida sun).

One last thing is soil. I expect the container to hold alot of soil. Is it worth it going all out for something like fox farms???


There are a few types of vegetables that are susceptible to the same diseases, but most are soil born. Since you're doing a container garden you don't really have any worries as far as that's concerned, and as long as you're not planning on saving your seeds for next year, cross pollination won't be much of an issue either.

Once your tomato plants begin to fruit they will continue to do so until the frost kills them off. I'd say to plant them all at once.

You'll want at least 8 hours of direct sunlight.

As for soil, buy the best you can find!