Hey guys. First official grow!


Active Member
I'll see if I can stop by a local shop tomorrow.
i see you have a fan on the top
also if your tent allows it ,, it would be great if you coud add a small fan in the bottom to have nice airflow in the bottom cuz those babies are bushy as hell!!
your grow is doing amazing tho ! keep it up
I actually have a small fan in the lower portion. You can't see it because of all the growth, but it's there. Haha. And yeah, the fan is moving the air out of the tent via the filter that you CAN see.

I've noticed the temp is getting harder to manage with thick canopy, though. It used to be between 73-75 degrees without much management, but now I'm having to run an AC in the room or it gets up to 79 at canopy level.

Thank you so much for the encouraging words and advice. I was wondering why no one was saying anything despite like 180 views. Haha.
Hey guys. I know I just updated a few days ago, but I'm just trying to get back on track with weekly posting.

So, this is the two girls on week 9. I moved the fan up from the lower portion to where the canopy is to reduce temps and keep the air flow moving. The intake point for air is down at the bottom, anyway, so there's already air flow down there. There's been an issue with pH for a while now, with it consistently plummeting sometimes as much as an entire point in less than a day, but instead of panicking like I usually do, I just decided to roll with it. I set the pH to 6.5(high, I know) and let it drift down to 5.5 throughout the day. Setting it at 5.8 and letting it drift was causing calmag lockout issues, and this has been working well.

I honestly think my nute levels are too high(800-950) since it uptakes water and PPMs are going up. Since I've stopped adding nutes when I replenish the res, the drift has slowed considerably.

Here are the pics.

As always, commentary, advice, etc. is appreciated. I figure I got a few more weeks until they're ready. What about you?