I've pulled a few out of my league women because of my Harley. They ask for a ride and next thing you know their hand is on my penis, and then live action. But they are all the same, they want to change you after a few months.
hahahahahah women c bad boys as that broken thing and they try to change u .... AGREED completely my brother
U c i think that a lot of women in order to be attracted to a guy they need challenge and purpose in a relationship , so her role is to be a "fixer"

when they have a guy who is good to go, he's fantastic, perfect , ... guy like that on paper look good but eventually they will get bored with them ... there's no challenge , there's no purpose that is why a lot of them r attracted to the guys with flaws ...
man on the other hand have a rescuer mentality ( night in a shining armor

), they wanna rescue her, they wanna bring her side out that she doesn't no one to c , some guys when girl is shy thinks that is beautiful and cherish that and work on that .. but bad boys "... make them good girls gone bad..." they bringing that nasty animal side of her out

so women r "fixers"
and guy r "rescuers"
both tactics if apply correctly can be very dangerous in wright hands

I can write a book about that stuff ... hahahha usually when i'm baked i think about random stuff , but when i do i go soo deep and put everything on pieces in my head hahhahaha is tahat bad?

but thanks to that i evolve with my "game"
don't hate the pleya ... hate the game...