hey everyone :) Seed Question :O


well hi everyone im new to the forums
i know everyone seems to be saying that its not worth using bag seeds
but it seems preatty imposible for me to aquire some good seeds (hopefully some day i will)

but yea i would just would like to know is ....
like what is the worst i can expect from this seeds D:

im in my first week of veg in my indoors set up
any imput would be nice :)


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with bagseed - if you enjoyed the smoke bagseed will grow you some more of the same. Dry and cure it properly and it will be even better.


that is exacly what i was thinking :)
well ill post picks and more info on my setup :D
but im glad i got that out of my mind
the weed was actually really good for being low grade XD


Well-Known Member
if it was stoney, but looked like crap, what you grow out of it will probably be pretty good stuff.


then yes ^_^
i will keep yall updated
i just replanted 5 of the best sprouts i had
and put them under 2 6500k CFL
and they seem to be liking it :D hehe

and just to brush up i have i think 3 difrent strains now growing
i will pick the best growers and keep 2 or 3 plants out of 7 sprouts i have rigth now(i had around 15 srputs @ the begining ) jsut to pick the faster and better looking ones :)
thank you all for the advice


Well-Known Member
Bag seeds aren't bad. But of course you get what you pay for..... I... or erm someone I know did this last year. And out of 9 plants to start..... 2 of them grew to be 9 feet tall, but it wasn't marijuana. Now I don't know what it was? The beans looked like the others planted, but some garbage grew up. And not knowing what it was supposed to look like, I was taking care of and pampering some garbage :)

Of those 9, about 3 were females, the other 4 males. They were cut at end of season, and hung upside down well ventilated for two weeks. Even the males wound up to be some decent smoke.

So in end I guess it depends on what your goals are. As just a casual grower that does it more so for fun than anything, I have no problem with bagseed. Although seperating them is a PITA. Next season proper beans will be ordered.


considering were i live
and for the $ i gots wich is 0 :P

any kind of bud would be greatly apriciated
if it ends up being some awsome smoke then yes!
but until i can order some good seeds(probly in the next 4 months or so)
then this is all i got
yall think 3 6500k CFL will be enogh for vegging ?


Active Member
you will want to up the watts. the 3 lights is not really enough for 1 med to 1 large plant imo
good luck and happy growing


lets say i want to grow 3 small or 2 medium plant
how much more wattage would i need?
3 times that O_O?
BTW im noticing that the plants seem to be bending to the sides(like searching for ligth)
if anyone can help me out with that than great :) (i have the bulbs around 2 inches away from the plants)


Active Member
POST PICS so we can see what your growing environment is like.

But the rule of thumb is about 3000-3300 lumens per square foot for a vegging plant.... it's not about the WATTS, remember that. It's all about the LUMENS.
When the seedlings are young, they WILL bend sideways towards a light source. The weaker the light source, the more they'll stretch up and to the side where the light is.
If you got CFL's, consider putting them at about 1 inch from the plant and if you can, make a little deflector for the bulbs. There's a nice DIY beer can tutorial in the DIY section.

4 plants in vegetative state in 6 inch pots = 1 square foot. If you can get about 4000 lumens in there, you should be all set. (about 4 CFL's)


Well-Known Member
Not to say you can't grow a plant to harvest with those lights, but they are going to be a bottleneck for the plant (ie: will be the limiting factor on growth and bud production). As tommy mentioned, if you aren't using reflectors those will help. You could also add more CFL's or look into something like T5's (they work pretty well as a top light with CFL's on the sides). Personally if it were me I'd try to get up to 150-200w, and right now you have 69w.


Active Member
Not to say you can't grow a plant to harvest with those lights, but they are going to be a bottleneck for the plant (ie: will be the limiting factor on growth and bud production). As tommy mentioned, if you aren't using reflectors those will help. You could also add more CFL's or look into something like T5's (they work pretty well as a top light with CFL's on the sides). Personally if it were me I'd try to get up to 150-200w, and right now you have 69w.
Yeah, T5's are much more efficient. But if you want to FLOWER, that's a different story. I was under the assumption that you wanted to know what you needed to veg. For flowering 3-4 plants, a minimum of 400 HPS light setup is a MUST. GL !


and i just want to flower 1 @ a time i have another room to make it a veg only room :)

OOooo anotehr thing i plan on vegging around 4 of the best growers and flower the best one that looks :)
and take the other 3 to a Pc grow box im making for vegging
since that is my closet and it around 8 ft tall and 4x 4