Hey everyone new grow what seed bank and strain would you use ?

Autofloweringseeds.com is the place I chose. Bunch of free seeds with your order and they arrived quick and discretely. My free dinafem critical seed is double the size of the ones I purchased.
So I'm about to order some autos 3 or 5 looking to spend about 20 quid what you reckon I should go with

Hey man, welcome to RollItUp.

What are you looking for in an end product? Also, are you looking to grow all the same, or a mix?

For a bargain, pickandmix seeds have cheap UK shipping, and their Speed Seeds Autos are £2.50 a pop. Really tempted to buy the whole range myself, seen many a success story with them. pickandmix suck for freebies though, and I love a freebie!

So I'm about to order some autos 3 or 5 looking to spend about 20 quid what you reckon I should go with
Dinafem bro. They have really Hardy genes and are easy to grow. The roadrunner is an easy auto. Produces mids and mine was done in 8 weeks from popping. The Amnesia auto or photo strains produce top shelf and are pretty hardy as well. 12-13 weeks. Sweet seeds make great hardy fast and easy autos too. Speed devil better than mids but that's all I've tried from them.
Cheers lads but I decided to stick with Royal queen seeds as thy give me 4 seeds for 20 quid and a free one so 4 quid an auto for names I like and know Royal jack herrer bubble kush auto Royal dwarf and quick one + free auto so happy days
If ur in the US use attitude. Europe you can order from any breeder directly... I would use dinafem bro everything I've ever got from them from autos to photos are A++++ fire shit... I've also used reserva privada, their shit is awesome aswell, hso as well.... my first grow ever I used dinafem their plants are very forgiving and vigorous as fuck!! Good luck still using dinafem never been happier with their shit....
For autos I would try their cheese xxxl auto, their critical auto, and their biggest auto is their fruit autoflower... I grew all these all of them are fire
I just ordered 5 seeds from autoflower seeds.net which is herbies....I got Buddha syrup. I seen a few vids and they seem like monsters....

A good idea is to know your skills and setup....for me; I tent to run into heat issues which kills my yeild. So I went with a strain that get huge to offset my problems I may run into....hope it works