hey does my plant look ok


New Member
do some reading on your own. ive laid the foundation one too many times.

without even diving into science, you can look to nature for answers. cannabis gets rest in nature, even more than 6 hours we normally give it.

personally, i run 20/4 for veg, and while its abusive, it works.


Well-Known Member
never seen rockwool rot either and that is with a pump stuck on flooding for 3 days straight....sure the plant died but the rockwool dried out and had no rot at all....longer than three days and id say someone who has it sitting in water that long should just go soil....


New Member
i already know that energy/atp is PRODUCED during the light cycle, ive stated that, but its called dark reaction for a reason, becuase during the dark, the energy is used most efficiently.


Well-Known Member
i already know that energy/atp is PRODUCED during the light cycle, ive stated that, but its called dark reaction for a reason, becuase during the dark, the energy is used most efficiently.
Wow, I'm actually at a loss. You are by far the dumbest person I have ever had the displeasure of encountering in my entire life. "dark reaction" is basically an old/incorrect way of describing carbon fixation. c3 plants don't photosynthesize when there is absence of light. They are doing respiration at night. Nothing more, nothing less. There is no added benefit to letting cannabis do this. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?

I'm guessing you half read an article on wikipedia about carbon fixation and now are all the sudden a genius on the topic.


Well-Known Member
you can compare it to driving, and idling.

the plant does not shut off during the night cycle, it is busy at work..very busy.
I'm pretty sure at idle I'm not going very far. While the car is in motion I am covering distance. Same can be said with cannabis. At idle, well it's just passing time until it can be in motion again. Good job at proving yourself wrong with that analogy.


New Member
im only trying to help. if you cant understand why they name it the 'dark reaction cycle', too bad for you.


Well-Known Member
im only trying to help. if you cant understand why they name it the 'dark reaction cycle', too bad for you.
What part of the fact that you aren't helping do you not understand?


Dark reactions don't require light, but they aren't inhibited by it, either. For most plants, the dark reactions take place during daytime. The dark reaction occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast. This reaction is called carbon fixation or the Calvin cycle. In this reaction, carbon dioxide is converted to sugar using ATP and NADPH. Carbon dioxide is combined with a 5-carbon sugar to form a 6-carbon sugar. The 6-carbon sugar is broken into two sugar molecules, glucose and fructose, which can be used to make sucrose. The reaction requires 72 photons of light.
Are you gonna shut the fuck up now?

Like I said in a previous post, the name is misleading. So what have we learned here today bmeat? 1: you are always wrong. and 2: cannabis, like I said oh so many pages ago doesn't need dark period in veg.


New Member
Bmeat, is that really you in that pic your "friend" is sending around? lol
um read the last name.. where do you think B meat came from? "B" for bryan and Mea are the letters from his last name.. just look at it. I have his cell phone number so i know its him.bmeat.PNG
hes the one in the middle