Hey, Closet is getting way too warm


Active Member
Hey RIU Enthusiasts.

here is the simplified version: ;)

Closet: .50 x 1 x 2
Light: 600W HPS
Fans: 1 x Big (30CM) 1 x Small (10CM)
Ventilation: Opening door :(

Temp Readings:

With Aircon running and Door open with two fans blowing, Getting about ~24 deg. (Too much light to have the door open)

With Aircon off and Door open with two fans blowing, it warms up to ~35 Deg. (Warms up room as well, not a good feeling)

With Aircon off and Door Closed, it gets over 40 deg and is dangerous for even a mature plant.

Question: How do i minimize the light and keep fresh air flowing? All i have is a small roof that i can drill through and put a fan in, but will it help significantly? enough to actually close the door and hide everything away?


north strong & free

Active Member
i'm having the same issues as well. either cut a hole in the door, or in the drywall. the drywall is the best option because it is easy to patch and fix. pop in an exhaust and bango!


Active Member
i'm having the same issues as well. either cut a hole in the door, or in the drywall. the drywall is the best option because it is easy to patch and fix. pop in an exhaust and bango!
About to head on down now and grab one. Is $100 AUD safe to say for a 40 watter inline?


Well-Known Member
yep, you have to get rid of the hot air and replace it.
no getting around it.


Active Member
Getting rid of the hot air should be fine with a 40W Inline fan right? (Note i've updated the dimensions of the growspace above)

So by replacing the air that is taken it you mean i cant really close the door 100%? And wont have anywhere to grab fresh air?

I guess perhaps some Styrofoam to cover the actual space? Then place the inline fan there?


Well-Known Member
Getting rid of the hot air should be fine with a 40W Inline fan right? (Note i've updated the dimensions of the growspace above)

So by replacing the air that is taken it you mean i cant really close the door 100%? And wont have anywhere to grab fresh air?

I guess perhaps some Styrofoam to cover the actual space? Then place the inline fan there?
sounds like it


Active Member
Get a cool tube, this is the most effective way to manage temperatures.
Just googled "Cooltube" came up with Cool Tube Online Catalog

Am i on the right track? They look like the go! wow!


For my light problem, Styrofoam. Seal it all in. and then the inline filter ON the styro-> Hopefully this expells the heat and fixes my light problem. Enough for me to keep the door open etc.


Then for cooling, i'll go a cooltube to regulate a little bit better.

Wow i may not even have to rip a hole in the roof?


Well-Known Member
Just googled "Cooltube" came up with Cool Tube Online Catalog

Am i on the right track? They look like the go! wow!


For my light problem, Styrofoam. Seal it all in. and then the inline filter ON the styro-> Hopefully this expells the heat and fixes my light problem. Enough for me to keep the door open etc.


Then for cooling, i'll go a cooltube to regulate a little bit better.

Wow i may not even have to rip a hole in the roof?
Wow you found some crazy shit there I was thinking more along these lines though COOL TUBE 6" GROW LIGHT REFLECTOR COOLTUBE GLASS HOOD!! - eBay (item 180136935123 end time Oct-27-08 12:27:30 PDT)


Active Member
Oh! So that would replace the setup that i currently have?

Seems a little bit of a waste considering i only just got this 600W, I should have been a little smarter with deciding on the light...


Well-Known Member
Oh! So that would replace the setup that i currently have?

Seems a little bit of a waste considering i only just got this 600W, I should have been a little smarter with deciding on the light...
That is in addition the benefit it you don't add any additonal heat to the closet if you properly install the cool tube with a good fan


Well-Known Member
All these closet issues are why I abandoned that idea, buckled down, and built myself some 600 watt cabinets. When it's hot, I just roll a cabinet near a window AC so the AC air is near the cabinet intake. Plus, it's completely lightproof, which helps yield. Just sayin'. ;)


Well-Known Member
ow! whoa man the cool tube goe around your light! Ita a new hood, same bulb, smake ballasT! u jut put yur bulb in there! U made good choice, i got a 400 and i going to a aero or a flood if the aero falls thru. a 400 lights a 3x3 space but a 600 doe a 4x4 space. it will get hot but no that much hotter. nds like the same, and on a seperate cool circuit of air for the light than the box, u lose like over 5 degress alost 10 easy. after that yu vent the closet too. cake! good luck and man i thinking of running duct form my intastlled air conditioner to m tent lol.

north strong & free

Active Member
I think the cool tube is kind off a waste unless you use the co2. what about just exhausting the air through a hole and the fresh air comes through the closet cracks?


Well-Known Member
the cool tube allows the other space to remain without venting. so if you use co2 it would still be saturated and not removed.
Ok fair enough but why would you only use a cool tube with co2? They are the most effective way to remove heat from a grow space. I don't use co2 but I do use cool tubes without them I would need a large AC unit and would be spending A LOT more on electricity.:peace:

north strong & free

Active Member
it is a good idea, but i'm trying to do this on a budget. so far i've dropped 300 bones on the light and gardening equipment. i bought a strain called chemo because the guy says it has low odor. doing this in an apartment. will i need carbon with this type of closet ventilation, or should i just seal the bedroom door, open the window a bit and let it go that way?


Well-Known Member
it is a good idea, but i'm trying to do this on a budget. so far i've dropped 300 bones on the light and gardening equipment. i bought a strain called chemo because the guy says it has low odor. doing this in an apartment. will i need carbon with this type of closet ventilation, or should i just seal the bedroom door, open the window a bit and let it go that way?
You will have odor even with so called "low" odor strains. If you can't control your temps without a cool tube then you will have to get one. Look up "bake around" tubes on e-bay for a cheap DIY alternative. :peace: