hey any cheap efficient grow lights??


Well-Known Member
yeah i grow with cfl's but for 150 and you have the option of switching between metal halade and hps thats what you should get


Well-Known Member
some seed banks are legit and some are not just research them a lil
the only place i ordered from was attitude and they are legit but there is others that are legit too


Active Member
If its one or two plants you can use CFL's pretty cheaply without the hassle of heat and separate ballasts.
judging price ill probably go with nirvana
Some people like nirvana but they are not the original genetics i dont use them because the strains they carrie are a bunch of knockoffs(to me),Check out sannies shop if price is the issue.You can get top of the line genetics for 30-40-50 dollars.I will be using him soon.