Hey America ... look at me! Look at Me! Look at ME!!! I'm a jerk!


Well-Known Member
Him and that bathroom toe tapper should be banished ........... and take the other gay affair guy with them..All are stupid to think they can get away with that shit in a public life like theirs...


Well-Known Member
How about the 7 Republican Senators being indicted on corruption charges to the one Democrat Senator indicted on the same thing?

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya but thats pretty cold blooded cheating on your wife while she is dying of cancer. i would feel bad enough if i cheated on mine if she was perfectly healthy:mrgreen:

the scary thing is that so many people couldnt see that he was such a dick and how he would be a horrible pres just out for his fame and fortune

I, like many, could see that a mile away but a bunch of peeps woulda voted him in to rule the world:neutral:


Active Member
He's such a fake guy, he always reminded me of a snake oil salesman or like on of the television ministers who cheat thier congregations.


Well-Known Member
Lets not just stick to Senators. What about my namesake? How about Kennedy? (JFK and Teddy). Its people thing not a party thing.


New Member
How about the 7 Republican Senators being indicted on corruption charges to the one Democrat Senator indicted on the same thing?
What about them? This thread is about the "Two America" guy. If you want to discuss the sleazy Republicans, and I agree there are many, start a thread about them.

Thanks for participating, Dankster. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Lets not just stick to Senators. What about my namesake? How about Kennedy? (JFK and Teddy). Its people thing not a party thing.
corrupt politicians are like cockroaches -
for every one you catch, there are a thousand more still in hiding.


New Member
Dealing with the federal government is like dealing with the Mafia. Oh wait ... they ARE the Mafia.


munch box

Well-Known Member
So does this mean that tony blair is going to come out of the closet in his speedos at the 2012 London olympics and start to get gay with the olympians?