Hey all


New Member
I have some questions on air scrubbing. I know that there is a lot of arguing about heat, exhaust and humidity. I hope that I don't find this on this post. My issue is that I am growing some really stinky stuff. I thought that in the first month or so I would be ok in veg. But im not. The second I get within 2 feet of my 4x4 tent I want to sneeze. In prior days I didn't have to worry about odor as much. But these days I do. I have 3 original blueberry plants. and 3 clones of the same ones in same room. I want to add more but the smell really gets to my paranoia. The clones are small and the mom bbs are about a foot tall by a foot wide. 1 has 3 mains, 1 has 2, and one has 1...... < I was messed up. But have other plans for her future. I can guarantee that all three are female. I grow in a derivative of supersoil. But my own flavor. Includes a bunch of bs that people will call me crazy for. I have a partial dirt floor in my basement. I have dug down a bit in to get enough clearance for my tent its 8 feet tall. The basement is cool, but not cold. I have the tent about a foot off of the concrete foundation to the intake of the inline fan I have cooling my light. It blows out at a 7 ft point exhaust on the other side of the tent. It is 6 inch. I have a hurricane fan that I bought a while ago it is also a 6 inch, also have a huge scrubber. But can put inside or outside and hang by the furnace intake. But I admit that im new to indoors veg to finish. What the heck to do I do push or blow? I realize that the hurricanes are not that good, but its what I have. I don't sell my stuff or make a profit. So for now what do I need to do? Plants are very healthy, light is good for now but will need to supplement later. My main question I want to ask is what do you guys use for veg indoors in soil, a 4x4 tent. Do you have scrubbers on, which way sucking or blowing? Flaps up, closed? This stuff stinks like crazy.


Well-Known Member
the tent should have a separate vent that does not come in contact with the "tent room air". that's for cooling reflectors. Open up a pair of another set of vents and put a carbon scrubber on one, filter inside the tent and the fan pulling the air thru the filter and exhausting it in your basement. I use glade or air wick plug ins thru my house and does a good job neutralizing the little bit of tainted air that may escape. You can also buy ona blocks or other ona products that do a great job of neutralizing odors. Lysol works well too.