Hey all


Hello every one. As a new member to the forums id like to tell a bit about myself; Im from California and should be a Senior in High School. In the past year I have taken the Equivalency Exam and dis-enrolled from High School. Currently I attend the local community college, I plan to take up the art of glass blowing (witch I understand is no easy task). I aspire to open my very own Head Shop/Glass Studio. I medicate on a VERY regular basis :eyesmoke: But due to current living situations(my dad, brother, uncle, great grandparents, and myself live in a two story house) I must use discretion. I spend free time doing computer work/games and sesh'in it up. I could go on and on but hopefully everyone will get to know me in time.

-Curly Fry


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard. Sounds like a hectic living situation. You'll love it when you finally get out on your own.


Hi! Welcome. Go back to school.
If the world doesn't end in dec, you probably just screwed
Up your future. Don't be THAT guy. We have enough of those guys
In this country.

Like i said, i am attending the local community college. I am not a drop out, and have the equivalent to a high school diploma. So I am not "THAT GUY"..."THAT GUY" would not have bothered to obtain any type of Diploma, let alone further his education with the intent of owning a business.
Community College > High School 8)

:leaf: Thanks for the greetings all :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I too have a GED. You're right, is not the same as dropping out, in fact it is the equivalent of graduating high school ;) I hope you enjoy your community college more than I did mine. I found college to be a place where you go and pretend to learn while the professors pretend to teach and then you pretend to have absorbed the information when you take tests. If you are willing to put in the time and jump through the hoops, you get the grade you need to graduate regardless if you have learned anything.

Anyway the paper diploma is still valuable so I wish you good luck.